本課程將介紹當代中國外交,涵蓋中共建政至今的中國外交路線與政策變遷,並深入探討當前中國的外交決策機制,以及與台灣息息相關的美中台三角關係。透過對中國外交的系統性學習,學生將能理解中國外交政策的變遷、組織架構、決策過程,以及與國際社會的互動方式。This course will introduce contemporary Chinese diplomacy, covering China's diplomatic lines and policy changes since the founding of the Communist Party of China, and in-depth discussions on China's current diplomatic decision mechanisms and the US-China-Taiwan Triangle Relations closely related to Taiwan. Through systematic learning of Chinese diplomacy, students will be able to understand the changes in China's foreign policy, organizational structure, decision-making processes, and interactions with international society.
補充閱讀:Lanteigne, Marc. 2019. Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Cai Dongjie, 2020, "Contemporary China's Foreign Policy", Taipei: Wunan Book Company (must be prepared).
Ji Xinji, 2015, "On China", Beijing: CITIC Publishing House.
Supplementary reading: Lanteigne, Marc. 2019. Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與及指定作業課堂參與及指定作業 Class participation and designated operations |
10 | 積極參與討論並提交指定的閱讀報告。 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | 涵蓋課程中中國外交的主要議題,包含申論題、簡答題,與名詞解釋。 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 | 綜合評估學生對中國外交的理解,包含申論題、簡答題,與時事測驗。 |
小組專題報告小組專題報告 Group topic report |
20 | 學生將組成小組,選擇中國外交的重大議題進行專題分析、報告。 |