媒體在民主化進程中扮演的角色:媒體最早時期為國家機器掌控,在進到民主時代,扮演著行政、司法、立法之外的第四權。課程目標為讓對政治及媒體都有興趣的同學,藉由講師多年的實務經驗,以案例一一解析,帶領同學熟悉兩者之間互為影響的關鍵因素。The role played by the media in the process of democratization: the media was controlled by national machines at the earliest times, and in the era of democracy, it played the fourth right outside administration, judicial and legislative. The course aims to allow students who are interested in politics and the media. Through the lecturer’s years of practical experience, they analyze cases one by one, leading students to familiarize themselves with the key factors that influence the two.
This course aims to teach related theories about media politics, train students to look at the media with political views, and also look at politics with media views. The course designs theories of public communication as the basis and combines the new academic statements of political communication to make them have ambition Working in news, or Students who are interested in political communication can use a calm theoretical structure to reflect on the media phenomena of strange lands and places inside and outside the country. Since this course is a media "theoretical course", it is strongly recommended that students who take this course should be selected and practice the " News visits and writings.”
News visits and writing (written by Niu Longguang)
Advanced news writing (Published by Peng Jia)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個人作業、出席情形個人作業、出席情形 Personal work, attendance |
100 | 無 |