讓學生了解結構化與物件導向系統分析與設計之概念,不只可應用於研究所與國考等資管領域的考試,本課程亦配合上課進度請各組將開發資訊系統的知識與技術應用於實際店家或企業,使學生能整合相關課程所學,並擁有從無到有開發資訊系統的自信與能力。Let students understand the concepts of structure and object-oriented system analysis and design. It can not only be applied to the examinations in the management fields such as the institute and the national examination. This course is also in conjunction with the progress of the previous course. Please apply the knowledge and technology of the information system to the development of the information system. Integrated store owners or enterprises enable students to integrate relevant courses and have the confidence and ability to develop information systems from nothing to nowhere.
(1) 系統分析與設計─理論與實務應用,第八版,吳仁和•林信惠 編著,智勝文化
(2) ACCESS投影片講義
(3) 中英文課外補充教材
(1) System Analysis and Design-Theoretical and Practical Application, 8th Edition, by Wu Renhe Lin Xinhui, Intelligent Culture
(2) ACCESS projection film explanation
(3) Additional textbooks for extra-Chinese and English courses
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 除一般大考重點,亦著重將課本介紹的各種分析圖實際應用於個案 |
自主學習報告 (分組但成績個別計算)自主學習報告 (分組但成績個別計算) Independent learning report (partitions but calculations) |
25 | 模擬以軟體廠商的角色實作系統開發實務系統 (將依個人在該組的貢獻調整與計算) |
分組作業分組作業 Sub-assembly |
30 | 大約每三周兩次作業的頻率以公司行號為對象實際演練 (將依個人在該組的貢獻調整) |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
15 | 出席率、上課表現 |