本課程旨是使學員在研讀電路學(Ⅱ)理論課程的同時,可以經由PSpice 9.2學生版電路擬軟體的幫助,將原理實作於軟體上,並可經由圖形與動畫的產生,讓學員更能體會電路學(Ⅱ)的基本原理精要。
被動元件與主動元件的基礎知識,交流與直流電能處理、交流三相、頻率選擇電路、濾波電路、Two-Port Circuit、等各項原理。
The purpose of this course is to enable students to implement the principles on the software while studying the Circuit Studies (II) theory course, while assisting by the PSpice 9.2 student version of the circuit shaping software, and to implement the principles on the software and generate graphics and animations, so that students can make it more convenient for students The basic principles of energy-sensing circuit learning (II).
This course covers:
The basic knowledge of passive components and active components, AC and DC energy processing, AC three-phase, frequency selection circuit, filter circuit, Two-Port Circuit, and other principles.
Analysis of the principles and advantages and disadvantages of various converting circuits, as well as the application of mathematical analysis technology in electromechanical science.
The actual system construction layer will introduce various power conversion systems and corresponding driving circuits and control circuits.
教材編選:■自編教材 ■教科書作者提供 □開放式教材 □教育部課程資料庫教材
多元教學:■投影片/板書講述 ■實例示範或演示 ■考試測驗
Textbook selection: ■ Self-edited textbooks ■ Provided by the author of the textbook □Open textbooks □Ministry of Education Course Database Textbook
Multiple teaching: ■Projection film/board description ■Practical examples or demonstrations ■Examination test
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中+期末 考期中+期末 考 Midterm + final exam |
60 | |
期中小考+期末小考期中小考+期末小考 Primary and secondary exam + final exam |
30 | |
點名+專題作業點名+專題作業 Point name + topic action |
10 |