1. 理解作業系統的基本架構與功能,包括進程、記憶體、檔案及I/O管理。
2. 掌握多執行緒編程與進程調度策略,提升系統效能與資源分配能力。
3. 學習記憶體管理、虛擬記憶體與檔案系統的設計與實現方法。
4. 瞭解次級儲存與I/O系統的運作機制,應用於實際計算環境。
1. 系統架構理解:熟悉作業系統的設計原理與運行機制,能夠分析系統的結構與功能。
2. 進程與資源管理:學習進程、記憶體、儲存與I/O的管理策略,理解其在多任務環境中的協調方式。
3. 實務應用與挑戰:結合理論與實踐,探討作業系統在效能、可靠性與資源利用上的平衡。
本課程的最終目標是幫助學生奠定作業系統的專業基礎,具備設計與分析計算機系統的能力,應對現代計算環境的複雜需求。Course Target
This course aims to introduce the core concepts and design principles of the operating system, and help students master the following key abilities:
1. Understand the basic structure and functions of the operating system, including process, memory, file and I/O management.
2. Master the multi-performing programming and process adjustment strategies to improve system efficiency and resource allocation capabilities.
3. Learn memory management, virtual memory and file system design and implementation methods.
4. Understand the operating mechanisms of secondary storage and I/O systems and apply them to the actual computing environment.
Course content
The operating system is the core component of modern computers, responsible for managing hardware resources and providing an application execution environment. This course provides theoretical explanations and practical cases to help students master the following abilities:
1. System architecture understanding: Be familiar with the design principles and operation mechanism of the operation system, and be able to analyze the structure and functions of the system.
2. Process and resource management: Learn management strategies for processes, memory, storage and I/O, and understand how they coordinate in a multi-task environment.
3. Real application and challenge: Construct reasonable discussion and practice, and explore the balance between performance, reliability and resource utilization of the operation system.
The ultimate goal of this course is to help students lay a professional foundation for the operating system, have the ability to design and analyze computer systems, and should have complex needs for modern computing environments.
Introduction,System Structures,Process-Concept,Multithreaded Programming,Process Scheduling,Synchronous,Deadlocks,Memory Management Strategies,Virtual Memory Management,File System,Implementing File Systems,Secondary-Storage Structure,與I/O Systems。
Introduction, System Structures, Process-Concept, Multithreaded Programming, Process Scheduling, Synchronous, Deadlocks, Memory Management Strategies, Virtual Memory Management, File System, Implementing File Systems, Secondary-Storage Structure, and I/O Systems.
A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin and G. Gagne, Operating System Principles, 10th edition, John-Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2018.
A. SI Liu Bier Review Notice, P. G Alvin and G. gag, operating system principles, 10TH edition, John-Wiley & sons. Inc., 2018.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | 每堂點名,七次不到沒有請假本科將不及格 |
作業作業 Action |
50 | 包含書寫與實作兩種 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 |