本課程讓學生利用所學之數學理論在教師的指導下進行專題研究。主題與數學理論或應用相關皆可,由學生提出研究計畫,與老師確認後開始進行研究工作,包含:文獻研讀、模型建立、數學分析及數值模擬等。在研究結束後,研究成果必須作成書面報告,並且在課堂上進行口頭報告,優異者鼓勵參加全系專題競賽。This course allows students to use the mathematical theory they have learned to conduct special research under the guidance of teachers. The topic can be related to mathematical theory or application. The students propose research plans and start research after confirming with the teacher, including: literary research, model establishment, mathematical analysis and numerical simulation. After the research is over, the research results must be submitted in writing and oral reports will be conducted in the classroom. Advantageous people encourage them to participate in the entire department-wide topic competition.
Refer to books or articles and adjust them according to the topics selected by the students and progress.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
分組進度報告分組進度報告 Sub-group progress report |
60 | |
期末書面及口頭報告期末書面及口頭報告 Final period written and oral report |
40 |