1. 東海大學哲學系為培養學生專業能力與實務經驗,鼓勵學生進入企業實習,特訂定本系學生實習要點(簡稱本要點)。
2. 本要點所述實習對象包括本系學士班全體學生。
3. 本系實習課程為2學分,由專任教師開課。每一學分實習期間學生須在單位實習達60小時且實習成績須達60分以上,才核給學分。
4. 本要點所述實習學分可分為先實習(每年寒暑假)後授予學分(次一學期),或學期間實習。如已完成實習之學生,須於開學選課時自行加選【哲學實習】課程,否則視同放棄此學分。其他未參加暑期實習之學生切勿加選該課程,以免該課程以零分計算,影響及學期成績平均分數。利用寒暑價參加實習的同學需事先預留次一學期之選課學分,以避免超過本校修課學分之上限。
5. 學生進行校外實習時,需於實習前缴於「學生校外實習備忘錄」,得前往實習。
6. 實習開始前召集學生舉辦行前說明會,說明實習機構之職場環境以及實習相關注意事項,俾讓實習學生瞭解並遵循。本系辦公室及任課教師須提供必要的協助及輔導。
7. 出席規定:
(1) 學生須與實習機構提前議訂實習出勤日期,並遵守約定如期出席。
(2) 學生若於實習期間因病或特殊事故必須請假或無法如期報到者,均須報經實習機構核准,並依規定辦理請假。
8. 學生至校外實習應經所屬系所審核後,始得前往實習機構實習。
9. 學生於實習期間因故中途終止實習時,須填寫「實習終止同意書」,並經過實習機構、任課教師及家長同意後,始完成退選手續。
10. 若實習學生無故取消或終止該實習,且未依規定完成退選手續者,實習成績將以零分計算,且依校規議處。實習期間若遇困難或其他異常狀況時,得透過系辦公室或與任課教師聯絡協調解決之。
11. 任課教師須於學生實習期間,負責學生實習督導、成績之評定、學習成效之評估與檢討。實習學生須於期中繳交工作日誌及至少10張之照片(包含實習的環境、活動和同事等等,每張照片要有學生入鏡)及由這些照片合成的投影片或影片。期末須繳交至少15頁投影片(包含公司介紹、工作內容、實習心得等)。
12. 學生實習結束後,由實習機構主管對實習學生給予評分(在學期結束前寄回本系),佔實習分數的百分之五十;另由系上授課教師核實學生已確實完成前項要求並參加系上所舉辦之成果發表會,以作為實習成績評分之參考,此部分亦佔實習分數之百分之五十,兩項合為總分,及格分數為60分。
13. 學生實習期間的相關資料與表單應妥善保存備查。If the 20th century is the era of specialist divisions, then the 21st century will inevitably be a cross-domain generation where various disciplines gather again. Whether philosophy, as a door to public learning, also points to the possibility of cross-domain connection is the direction of this course's efforts. Sucrates' eternal portrait as a philosopher made us know that philosophy not only stops thinking but also focuses on constantly taking action that involves the present world. This course is aimed at "integrating knowledge and action", so that philosophy can go beyond the ivory tower of the college and develop practical courses for academic cooperation. It not only can in-depth work in all walks of life, but also hopes to explore the world today through this world movement. , combine the theoretical ability of philosophy, and while understanding the world of others, the angle of philosophical reflection extends outward. Through the practical course, the internal world of philosophy and the external environment of society are combined, and in the intersection of theory and practice, a possible mechanism for social philosophization is created.
The following is the "Key Points for Implementation of Students in the Department of Philosophy at Donghai University", please refer to:
1. The Philosophy Department of Donghai University cultivates students' professional ability and practical experience, encourages students to enter enterprise practice, and specially sets out the practical points for students in this department (simplified key points).
2. The practical objects mentioned in this key point include all students in the bachelor's class in this department.
3. The course in this department is 2 points and is taught by a dedicated teacher. During each academic score, students must achieve 60 hours in a unit and achieve 60 points or more before they can obtain the score.
4. The practical scores described in this key point can be divided into practice first (year winter and summer vacations) and then awarded academic scores (one study period at a time), or practice during the study period. If students who have completed their practice, they must choose the [Philosophy Instruction] course by themselves when starting the course, otherwise this score will be given up. Other students who have not participated in summer practice should not choose this course, so as not to calculate the course with zero points, which affects the average score of the academic period. Students who use winter and summer prices to participate in practice must reserve a course score for one semester in advance to avoid exceeding the upper limit of the course score of the school.
5. When students conduct off-campus practice, they must pay "forgot the student's off-campus practice preparation" before the practice, and must go to the practice.
6. Convene students to hold a pre-examination instruction meeting before the practice begins, explain the work environment of the practice organization and relevant precautions, so that practical students can understand and follow it. The department and the instructors must provide necessary assistance and guidance.
7. Attendance regulations:
(1) Students must make a date of attendance with the practice organization in advance and attend as scheduled by the agreement.
(2) If students must ask for leave due to illness or special accidents during the actual period or cannot report it as scheduled, they must report the approval of the actual agency and apply for leave according to regulations.
8. After students go to the outside school to practice after they are reviewed by the department in charge, they must go to the practice organization to conduct practice.
9. When students end their practice for some reason during the practice period, they must fill out the "Decision End Consent Book" and complete the withdrawal process after the consent of the practice organization, the instructor and the parent.
10. If the actual student cancels or terminates the actual product without reason and fails to complete the return process in accordance with the regulations, the actual product will be calculated with zero points and will be subject to the school regulations. If you encounter difficulties or other abnormal situations during the actual period, you must resolve it through the department office or contact the teacher.
11. During the student’s practice period, the course teacher is responsible for the supervision of students’ practice, the evaluation of achievements, and the evaluation and review of learning results. Intern students must submit their working day magazines and at least 10 photos (including actual environments, activities, colleagues, etc., each photo must have a student's lens) and a projection or video composed of these photos. At least 15 pages of projected videos must be submitted at the end of the period (including company introduction, work content, practical experience, etc.).
12. After the student's practice is completed, the director of the practice organization will give the student a rating (sent back to the department before the end of the study period), which will account for 50% of the actual score; the department's teaching teacher will also verify that the student has completed the previous requirements. We will also participate in the results presentation meeting held by the above as a reference for the actual performance evaluation score. This part also accounts for 50% of the actual score. The two items are combined into the total score, and the passing score is 60 points.
13. The relevant information and forms of students during their practice period should be properly preserved and checked.
Digital teaching materials or lectures provided by the employee
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中繳交工作日誌及至少10張之照片及由這些照片合成的投影片或影片期中繳交工作日誌及至少10張之照片及由這些照片合成的投影片或影片 Midterm submission of working days and at least 10 photos and projections or videos synthesized from these photos |
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期末須繳交至少15頁投影片期末須繳交至少15頁投影片 At least 15 pages of projections must be submitted at the end of the period |
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系上所舉辦之成果發表會系上所舉辦之成果發表會 The results of the meeting held in the department |
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