本課程旨在引導同學思考畢業專題的表達形式與學習相關技能,以利將抽象的哲學理論除了透過傳統的論文撰寫來表達之外,亦可嘗試透過小說、散文、繪本、哲普文、桌遊、電腦遊戲、PODCAST、戲劇、電影等多元形式來呈現,最終達到訓練學生靈活運用哲學思辨技能在現實議題或具體案例的應用上。This course aims to guide students to think about the expression form and learning related skills of graduation topics, so as to facilitate the use of abstract philosophical theories to express them through traditional essays, and also try to use novels, prose, textbooks, philosophical texts, and tables. Various forms such as games, computer games, PODCAST, dramas, movies, etc. are presented, and finally the training students use philosophical thinking skills to apply practical questions or specific cases.
This course is a preparatory course for senior year’s “Employment Works”, focusing on introducing proposal design and possible presentation of work.
Self-edited or provided by invitation.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
上課學習單上課學習單 Course learning order |
50 | 包含演講回饋、小組討論等對於個人畢業作品主題或形式之啟發紀錄。 |
期中作業期中作業 Midterm operation |
10 | 未來畢業作品預計表現形式&主題企劃草案&預定指導教授等初步構想,未繳交者,本課程得不予通過。 |
期末作業(動態影片&書面)_口頭&同儕評論、教師評論期末作業(動態影片&書面)_口頭&同儕評論、教師評論 Final work (movie videos & texts) _Oral & classmates and teachers' comments |
30 | 製作1分鐘長度的畢業作品規劃書之動態影片、書面規劃書至少1千字,未參與或繳交者,本課程得不予通過。 |