Composition 3 is a third-year required course. This course is part of the Composition and Oral Training Series and is taught together with Oral Training 3. Students will acquire advanced academic writing skills and all students should be able to produce well-written essays (4-5 pages). The composition course in the junior year builds on the skills learnt in the freshman and sophomore years, but the main focus is on more extended papers. In the junior year a number of rhetorical modes from the freshman and sophomore years will be repeated, but the writing in the junior year will be more challenging. Students will give final shape to and polish the writing skills learnt and developed in the previous two years. In the second semester the focus is on writing research journals, essays in different rhetorical styles including movie review, literary paper, etc. Students will engage in writing activities and exercises both in class and at home to help them master various rhetorical styles. Students will write a research paper on an independently researched topic. Topics for essays will include literature as well as academic topics relevant to the lives of the students.
Composition 3 is a third-year required course. This course is part of the Composition and Oral Training Series and is taught together with Oral Training 3. Students will acquire advanced academic writing skills and all students should be able to produce well-writen essays ( 4-5 pages). The composition course in the junior year builds on the skills learnt in the freshman and sophomore years, but the main focus is on More extended papers. In the junior year a number of rhetorical modes from the freshman and sophomore years will be repeated, but the writing in the junior year will be more challenging. Students will give final shape to and poison the writing skills learnt and developed in the previous two years. In the second semister the focus is on writing research journals, essays in different rhetorical styles including movie review, literature paper, etc. Students will engage in writing activities and exercises both in class and at home to help them master various rhetorical styles. Students will write a research paper on an independently researched topic. Topics for essays will include literature as well as academic topics relevant to the lives of the students.
As this the last of the Comp/Oral series, the main aim of this semester is to give a final shape and polish the skills of the students in both writing and in speech.
As this the last of the Comp/Oral series, the main aim of this semester is to give a final shape and poison the skills of the students in both writing and in speech.
Hadda=on, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. London, Random House, 2003; 2014.
Other materials will be prepared by the teacher and will be distributed throughout the semester.
Hadda=on, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. London, Random House, 2003; 2014.
Other materials will be prepared by the teacher and will be distributed throughout the semiconductor.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Peer ReviewPeer Review peer review |
10 | Week 17 and Week 18 |
Research PaperResearch Paper research paper |
30 | |
AutobiographyAutobiography autobiography |
20 | |
Letter and CV/Statement of Purpose and CVLetter and CV/Statement of Purpose and CV letter and CV/statement of purpose and CV |
10 | |
JournalsJournals journals |
20 | |
Attendance and ParticpationAttendance and Particpation attendance and part ICP A tion |
10 |