漢字是世界少數一脈相承直至今日不絕的文字體系,與拉丁字母體系分庭抗禮,擁有豐富的文化內涵,曾經一度出現繁榮的漢字文化圈景象。而身為中文系人,當知所使用的漢字之前世今生,方不至於人云亦云,被像《漢字樹》這樣錯誤百出的書籍誤導,使人嘲笑中文系人所學不精,毫無專業可言。因此本課程是中文系必修課程,著重於漢字的演變過程、變化規律以及正確面對漢字的態度。如此,便能在眾聲喧嘩中抓住定海神針,胸中自有丘壑,能夠客觀冷靜地看待諸如錯別字、通假字、繁簡字與文字源流等現代爭議。要之,這是一門瞭解你所使用的現代漢字如何演化至今的重要學問。The character Han is a few of the world's most undesirable font systems that have been passed down to this day. They are in equine with the Latin alphabetical system and have rich cultural connotations. The character Han once had a prosperous cultural circle. As a Chinese person, when you know the character Han used in the past and present, you will not follow the crowd and be misled by miscellaneous books like "Hanzi Tree", making people laugh at the Chinese person's lack of expertise and no professionalism at all. . Therefore, this course is a compulsory course in the Chinese department, focusing on the evolution process, changing rules and the attitude towards Han characters correctly. In this way, you can grasp the Dinghai God's Being in the noise of the crowd, have hills and valleys in your heart, and can view modern disputes such as miscellaneous characters, false characters, traditional characters and text origins and flows. In short, this is an important lesson to understand how the modern Han characters you use have evolved to this day.
Qiu Xigui: "A Summary of Literature", Wanjuan Building, 2014.
Ji Xusheng: "New Certificate of Speaking Literature", Art Printing Library, 2014.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
15 | |
期中測驗期中測驗 Midterm test |
35 | |
期末測驗期末測驗 Final test |
35 |