course information of 113 - 1 | 8509 Law of Criminal Procedure(刑事訴訟法)

8509 - 刑事訴訟法 Law of Criminal Procedure

教育目標 Course Target

常有人稱刑事訴訟法為「憲法之測震儀」,意思即是要如何在法治國原則底下不偏不倚的實現國家的刑罰權,在國家實現刑罰權之過程中,為了探尋真相,不免對於被告之基本權有所侵害,則在整個刑事訴訟法之進展中,要如何調和「保障人權」與「實踐刑罰權」間的衝突,成為刑事訴訟法學之核心議題。本課程將以此為講授的開端,先說明刑事訴訟法學之基本原理與體系,再依序探討「偵查」、「起訴」、「審判」、「執行」,此四階段,並輔以實務運作之說明,讓學生得以理解實務的運作及理論與實務間之衝突。People often call the Criminal Procedure Law the "seismometer of the Constitution," which means how to realize the country's penal power impartially under the principle of the rule of law. In the process of the country realizing the penal power, in order to explore the truth, it is inevitable to If the defendant's basic rights have been violated, how to reconcile the conflict between "protecting human rights" and "practicing the right to punish" has become a core issue in criminal procedure law throughout the development of criminal procedure law. This course will start with this teaching, first explaining the basic principles and system of criminal procedure law, and then exploring the four stages of "investigation", "prosecution", "trial" and "execution" in order, supplemented by practical operations The explanation allows students to understand the operation of practice and the conflict between theory and practice.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Lin Yuxiong, Criminal Procedure Law, Part I, General Editor, latest edition.
2. Lin Yuxiong, Criminal Procedure Law, Part 2, Monographs, latest edition.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
35 出席與課堂表現。
Midterm results
35 測驗以實例題為主,評分標準比照國家考試
final grade
35 測驗以實例題為主,評分標準比照國家考試

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-2685 Law of Criminal Procedure / 刑事訴訟法 (法律系3B,授課教師:劉芳伶,四/3,4[C112])
選修-7314 Seminar on National Judges and Criminal Procedure Law / 刑事訴訟法專題講座-國民法官與刑事司法 (法律碩博1,2,授課教師:劉芳伶,五/3,4[L105])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11[AG106]
授課教師 Teacher:黃鈺雯
修課班級 Class:進法律系3
選課備註 Memo:不禁止旁聽,但也不鼓勵
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 68 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 68 人。

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