攝影自卡羅版攝影術(Calo Type)成功以底片形式將影像留存並複製,已成為廣泛運用的藝術形式,其獨特的紀錄與複製性格,能傳遞出相對真實的時空背景,本課程將著重在紀實攝影的形式,呈現出創作者所關注的議題與事件的脈絡,並能熟悉傳統攝影成像與放像的程序與步驟。Since Calo Type, photography successfully preserved and reproduced images in the form of negatives, it has become a widely used art form. Its unique recording and reproduction characteristics can convey a relatively real time and space background. This course will focus on In the form of documentary photography, it presents the context of the issues and events that the creator is concerned about, and allows them to become familiar with the procedures and steps of traditional photographic imaging and playback.
As a universally recognized art form, photography has received great attention in the field of contemporary art due to its unique documentary character. This course will start from the theme of documentary photography, combine it with basic darkroom techniques, explore the artistry and viewing methods of images, and practice them in the process of personal creation.
布莉姬.拉蒂諾(2015)。《馬格蘭眼中的馬格蘭- 馬格蘭攝影通訊社》。台北:大石國際文化。
麥凱比, 張思婷(2013)。《解讀經典攝影》。台北:木馬文化
Cartier. Bresson (2016). "The Moment of the Century". Taipei: Trojan Culture.
Bridget. Latino (2015). "Magalan in the eyes of Magalan - Magalan Photography News Agency". Taipei: Dashi International Culture.
Luo Bosi, Xue Zhiying (2014). "Create humanistic photography that tells stories." Taipei: Trojan Culture
McCabe, Zhang Siting (2013). "Interpreting Classic Photography". Taipei: Trojan Culture
Delpu, Zhang Siting (2012). "Photography cannot rely solely on intuition." Taipei: Trojan Culture
Easterby, Han Eun-jin (2011). "150 Tips That Photography Masters Must Know". Taipei: Trojan Culture
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance |
5 | 未出席者,一次扣一分;積極參與可得7-10分,普通參與可得4-7分,極少或未曾參與可得1-3分 |
學習表現學習表現 learning performance |
5 | 參與討論、適時回答 |
第一組作品第一組作品 The first set of works |
5 | 畫面能呈現相當的完整度,並能透過畫面傳遞創作理念,個人風格能呼應畫面形式 |
第二組作品第二組作品 The second group of works |
5 | 作品能呈現穩定的構圖,並具有些許的細節描繪 |