This course will start from the two aspects of theory and practice, explain the basic concepts of art in a deep and pure way, and define relevant discussions through actual cases. In the theoretical part, we will refer to relevant texts of art history, art criticism, and aesthetics to explain the nature, origin and function of art, the content and form of the work, and the occurrence of creation. In the actual part, the groups or individuals of different eras and cultures will be used as examples to illustrate in a comprehensive way that media, techniques, and techniques are used in works, and artists' lifestyle and work methods are used in creation.
Course objectives: Clear the basic concepts of art, enhance students' appreciation of works, and cultivate their attitude towards critical reflection.
Explore the various related concepts and possible contents derived from the changes in the social history of East and West and the wave of civilization; and construct personal independent views through reading and text analysis, and try to propose problem ideas.
海德格(M. Heidegger)著,孫周興編譯:《依於本源而居─海德格爾藝術現象學文選》,杭州:中國美術學院出版社,2010年。
班雅明(W. Benjamin)著,莊仲黎譯:《機械複製時代的藝術作品:班雅明精選集》,臺北:商周出版,2019年。
梅洛-龐蒂(M. Merleau-Ponty)著,鄭天喆譯:《1948年談話錄》,北京:商務印書館,2020年。
尼采(F. Nietzsche)著,周國平譯:《悲劇的誕生:尼采美學文選》,北京:作家出版社,2012年。
波特萊爾(C. P. Baudelaire)著,陳太乙譯:《現代生活的畫家:波特萊爾文集》,臺北:麥田出版,2016年。
宮布利希(E.H. Gombrich)著,雨云譯:《藝術的故事》,臺北:聯經出版,2008年。
沃夫林(H. Wölfflin)著,曾雅雲譯:《藝術史的原則》,臺北:雄獅圖書,2000年。
潘諾夫斯基(E. Panofsky)著,邵宏譯:《視覺藝術的意義》,北京:商務印書館,2021年。
Written by M. Heidegger, edited by Sun Zhou Xingxing: "Live on Origin - Selection of Heidegger Artistic Diagrams", Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2010.
W. Benjamin, translated by Zhu Zhongli: "Artworks from the Mechanical Copying Era: Selected Collections of Ban Yaming", Taipei: Published by Shang and Zhou, 2019.
Written by M. Merleau-Ponty, translated by Zheng Tianzhe: "1948 Talk Record", Beijing: Commercial Printing Library, 2020.
Written by F. Nietzsche, Zhou Guoping: "The Tragic Student: Nietzsche's Aesthetics Selection", Beijing: Writers Publishing House, 2012.
By C. P. Baudelaire, Chen Taiyi: "The Painter of Modern Life: The Collection of Porter" by Taipei: Maitian Publishing, 2016.
Written by E.H. Gombrich, Yuyun: "The Story of Art", Taipei: Joint Publishing, 2008.
Wölfflin, translated by Zeng Yayun: "The Principles of Art History", Taipei: Xiong Lion Book, 2000.
By E. Panofsky, Shao Honglu: "The Meaning of Visual Arts", Beijing: Commercial Printing Library, 2021.
Chia: "Art Overview", Taipei: Donghua Book Bureau, 2000.
Written by Guo Qingfan, essayed by Wang Xiaosheng: "Collection of Zhuanzi", Beijing: China Book Bureau, 2012.
Xu Hongxing: "Wang Guowei Wen Selection", Shanghai: Shanghai Far East Publishing House, 2011.
Written by Liu Zongxu, translated by Dai Weijie and others: "The Way of Art: The Eccentricity of Japanese Aesthetics for a Century of Life", Taipei: Dadian Art, 2013.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 | |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 含平時作業、課堂表現與出席率。無故缺席三次,學期成績以不及格論。 |