本課程設計為使本系學生瞭解台灣智慧與精緻農業專業實務工作內容,並促使學理之應用。本系學生於修畢一學年智慧與精緻農業學位學程實務實習課程後,得取得相關畢耶資格並具有農業公費生身分。實習期間至少1440個小時。實務實習期滿需繳交實習心得報告、實習工作內容概述,並交由實習機構與本系教師共同進行考核。This course is designed to enable students in this department to understand the content of Taiwan’s wisdom and exquisite agricultural professional work, and to promote the application of science. After studying the first year of wisdom and precision agricultural degree course, students in this department are required to obtain relevant qualifications and have a professional agricultural professional status. The actual period is at least 1440 hours. The practical experience report and an overview of the practical work content are required to be submitted for the practical work for full period of practice, and the practice organization and the teacher of this department are subject to the assessment together.
AI智慧農業 - 智慧時代的農業生產方式變革
AI Smart Agriculture - Changes in agricultural production methods in the smart era
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
40 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 |