The course goal hopes to recognize and learn to design a brand from four aspects, 1. Brand management: Understand the importance of creativity & Sdgs/permanent operation, 2. Media: Understand the concepts and principles of communication marketing from innovative perspectives, taking the current self-media as Case, 3. Design: Understand CIS design from the design brand and learn the implementation, and explain it with cases! 4. AI: Use generative brains to help students design and turn imagination into vision.
1.品牌設計必修課:從商標到經營,全方位的品牌塑造書 /作者: 凱薩琳‧斯拉德‧布魯金/出版社:麥浩斯/出版日期:2022/12/10
2.品牌行銷與管理(5版)/作者: 戴國良/出版社:五南 /出版日期:2024/08/25
1. Compulsory courses for brand design: from trademark to business, a comprehensive brand building book/author: Kesslin Slad Brukin/Publisher: McHouse/Publishing Date: 2022/12/10
2. Brand Marketing and Management (5th Edition)/Author: Dai Guoliang/Publisher: Wunan/Publishing Date: 2024/08/25
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出缺席出缺席 Absent |
30 | 學生缺席1/3課時扣15% 以此類推(若學校另有規定依從學校) |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
20 | 週次安排有平時作業課堂中有實作,同學需繳交作業,若當日沒有繳交則該次作業分數零分! |
期中作業期中作業 Midterm operation |
20 | 按課堂說明提出報告 |
期末作業期末作業 Final operation |
30 | 作業應包含專題習作和相關報告分析 |