- 以1945年後的歐洲、美國及亞洲作曲家為例,了解當代音樂的發展及風格差異。
- 由風格、人文歷史與美學角度探索當代作曲家的創作哲理。
- 依選課學生的樂器種類安排獨奏、室內樂等組合,以實作及互相觀摩的方式認識挑選的當代音樂作品。- Take European, American and Asian composers after 1945 as examples to understand the development and style differences of contemporary music.
- Explore the creative philosophy of contemporary composers from the perspectives of style, human history and aesthetics.
- Arrange solo, chamber music and other combinations according to the types of musical instruments selected by the students, and learn about the selected contemporary music works through practice and mutual observation.
selected sheet music
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
15 | |
期末展演期末展演 Final show |
15 | |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
70 | 出席、課堂參與度 |