course information of 113 - 1 | 6607 Statistical Methods and Application(教育統計與應用)

6607 - 教育統計與應用 Statistical Methods and Application

教育目標 Course Target

課程簡介 在社會及行為科學研究中,量化研究向為學術研究之優勢典範,而統計分析則為量化研究之核心,且已廣泛地應用到許多專業學科領域。心理與教育統計學是教育研究與專業養成的專業基礎課程,具有高度的理論與實踐價值,是培養獨立研究能力至為關鍵的學科。學好統計不僅有助於開啟知識之窗理解前人研究結果,亦能藉由嫻熟的統計邏輯與知識奠定良好的研究基礎,更能增進個人的分析與批判能力(Aron, Coups, & Aron, 2012)。具體來說,如何根據研究目的與問題蒐集實證資料、選用適合的統計分析方法、考驗研究假設、詮釋資料,並做出正確之結論,向為能否成功進行研究之核心關鍵。 為達成前揭目標,採用問題導向學習,透過設計真實性、生活化且富有意義的問題,把學習任務置於前揭有意義且待解決的問題情境中,透過學習者的自主探索來解決問題,進而習得隱藏於問題情境後的知識理路與結構、強化問題解決能力及自主學習能力。其最終目的,則運用多元化教學方法以激發學生學習興趣與樂趣、啟迪並厚實統計專業知能,加深加廣對課程內容的掌握與精熟,並強化應用統計軟體分析研究資料並解決實際問題之能力。 Course Introduction In social and behavioral science research, quantitative research has always been the dominant model of academic research, while statistical analysis is the core of quantitative research and has been widely used in many professional disciplines. Psychology and educational statistics is a professional basic course for educational research and professional development. It has a high degree of theoretical and practical value and is a crucial subject for cultivating independent research capabilities. Learning statistics well not only helps to open a window of knowledge and understand previous research results, but also lays a good research foundation through skilled statistical logic and knowledge, and enhances one's analytical and critical abilities (Aron, Coups, & Aron, 2012 ). Specifically, how to collect empirical data based on the research purpose and questions, select appropriate statistical analysis methods, test research hypotheses, interpret the data, and draw correct conclusions are the core keys to successful research. In order to achieve the goal of solving problems, problem-based learning is adopted. By designing authentic, life-oriented and meaningful problems, the learning tasks are placed in the context of problems that are meaningful and need to be solved, and problems are solved through learners' independent exploration. Then learn the knowledge theory and structure hidden behind the problem situation, strengthen problem-solving ability and independent learning ability. The ultimate goal is to use diversified teaching methods to stimulate students' interest and fun in learning, enlighten and enrich professional statistical knowledge, deepen and broaden their mastery and proficiency in course content, and strengthen the application of statistical software to analyze research data and solve practical problems. ability.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 教師自編教材
(2) 邱皓政(2011)。量化研究與統計分析:SPSS(PASW)資料分析範例。臺北市:五南。
(3) Howell, D. C. (2013). Statistical methods for psychology, 8th ed. Wadsworth.

Main textbooks/textbooks
(1) Teachers’ own teaching materials
(2) Qiu Haozheng (2011). Quantitative research and statistical analysis: SPSS (PASW) data analysis example. Taipei City: Wunan.
(3) Howell, D. C. (2013). Statistical methods for psychology, 8th ed. Wadsworth.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Quiz in class (10%)
10 在幾個重要的單元或主題中,結合當週的課程內容,搭配教師資格考試或教師甄試考古題,確保同學能有效瞭解心理與教育統計的基本概念。
PBL案例分析、 課堂參與、線上討論(30%)PBL案例分析、 課堂參與、線上討論(30%)
PBL case analysis, class participation, online discussion (30%)
30 針對課程所規劃的案例與議題,積極參與並進行合作問題解決。 出席並參與課堂討論之表現、參與課堂討論、反思札記與檔案評量
30 計有5次作業(1.描述性統計+相關分析;2.迴歸分析;3.t檢定;4.變異數分析;5.多因子變異數分析)。
Learning Contract/Special Research Report (30%)
30 以下兩種學習任務二擇一。 (1) 透過個人的理論觸覺挖掘蘊含於教育大數據中的潛在變項與邏輯結構,形成問題意識與具體研究問題,碩二或已開始進行論文實證資料蒐集的同學,亦可善用課堂所學的統計方法,分析您手邊實證資料並接受同儕評論。 (2) 每位同學選擇一自身關心的教育領域的期刊論文,能正確解讀資料、熟練地使用課堂所學內容進行深度探勘與結果詮釋,且須於期末於課堂公開發表。簡報內容包含:緒論、研究方法、研究結果與討論。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/5,6,7[教研所A會室]
授課教師 Teacher:巫博瀚
修課班級 Class:教育專班1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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