Loss and grief are an important part of the human emotional experience and result from the loss or absence of something, whether physical (such as the death of a loved one) or symbolic (such as the disillusionment of a dream). These emotions reflect people's attachment and value judgment for the things they love. They are also the common emotional experience of human beings and run through different cultures and societies. Clients served by social work often face such substantial or symbolic loss. As a helper, can we know our own attitude towards death or loss, and can we know the emotions and needs of clients who are frequently faced with trauma and loss?
And when we work with the lost and traumatized, are we aware of their addiction and have some methods to lead them out of the valley?
6.許玉來、成蒂、林方皓、陳美琴、楊筱華、葛書倫、呂嘉惠 譯(2002)。與悲傷共渡:走出親人遽逝的哀慟。台北:心理出版社。
7.吳紅鑾(2001)死亡與哀慟: 青少年輔導手冊。台北:心理出版社。
10.李宗派 (2015)。安寧緩和與臨終關懷-美國經驗。 臺灣老人保健學刊, 2015 -失智症家庭照顧者的失落悲傷與意義探索
《諮商與輔導》 439期 (2022/07) Pp. 47-51
12Bonanno, G. A., & Kaltman, S. (2001). The varieties of grief experience. Clinical Psychology Review, 21(5), 705-734.
1. Wu Xiubi (2020). Loss, grief, counseling and therapy. Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.
2. Owen. Yalom (2003). Psychotherapy exists. Chapter 2 Life, Death, Anxiety. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Publishing House.
3. Li Kaimin, Lin Fanghao, Zhang Yushi, and Ge Shulun (2020). Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy. Taipei: Psychology Press.
4. Li Yuchan, Li Peiyi, Li Kaimin, Hou Nanlong, Zhang Yushi, and Chen Meiqin (2012). Channeling the Energy of Grief: A Workbook for Grief Counselors. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Publishing House.
5. Translated by Zhang Huian (2015). Techniques for Grief Healing: Innovative Grief Counseling Practices. Taipei: Psychology Press.
6. Translated by Xu Yulai, Cheng Di, Lin Fanghao, Chen Meiqin, Yang Xiaohua, Ge Shulun, and Lu Jiahui (2002). Living with grief: emerging from grief over the sudden death of a loved one. Taipei: Psychology Press.
7. Wu Hongluan (2001) Death and Grief: A Handbook for Adolescent Counseling. Taipei: Psychology Press.
8. Zheng Zhiming (2001). The life-and-death concern and efficacious character of Taiwanese people’s religious beliefs. . Institute of Sociology, Taiwan Research Institute.
9. Zheng Zhiming (2009). Religious life and death. Taiwan: Wenjin Publishing House Co., Ltd. Palliative and Hospice Care-American Experience (2015)
10. Li Zongpai (2015). Hospice and hospice care—the American experience. Taiwan Journal of Elderly Health Care, 2015 - Exploration of loss, grief and meaning of dementia family caregivers
11 Yang Rongxin, Lin Qiyun (2022). Grief over loss and exploration of meaning in family caregivers of dementia. Counseling and Counseling, 439, pp47-51.
"Consultation and Counseling" Issue 439 (2022/07) Pp. 47-51
12Bonanno, G. A., & Kaltman, S. (2001). The varieties of grief experience. Clinical Psychology Review, 21(5), 705-734.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程參與與討論課程參與與討論 Course participation and discussion |
20 | 請預先閱讀參考資料並提出討論題綱 |
認識不同宗教對生命與臨終關懷的看法認識不同宗教對生命與臨終關懷的看法 Understand different religious views on life and end-of-life care |
35 | 請依個人宗教信仰或興趣訪談神職人員。 |
訪談潛在案主失落與復原經驗訪談潛在案主失落與復原經驗 Interviews with potential clients on their experiences of loss and recovery |
30 | |
修課心得與反思(生命探索周誌)修課心得與反思(生命探索周誌) Course experience and reflection (Life Exploration Weekly) |
15 | 請隨著課程進度統整個人反思經驗 |