course information of 113 - 1 | 6465 Innovation : Sociological Perspective(創新-社會學觀點)

6465 - 創新-社會學觀點 Innovation : Sociological Perspective

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標:本課程站在社會學的角度來理解創新。社會學的起源來自於工業革命,專注討論技術創新對社會帶來的變化與衝擊,因此關注創新成為社會學亙古不變關心的議題。本課程計畫希望由社會學的角度出發,希望透過理論與經驗層次的分析,理解社會學者們是如何看待社會創新這個具有推動社會變遷之重要現象。 課程概論:創新作為推動人類社會變遷的重要現象,在當代社會中扮演了相當的重要性。但問題是我們應該要如何理解創新?過往在討論創新時,往往將創新的社會過程是為黑盒子,人們無法理解創新的過程為何。不過,社會學者認為任何社會行為都不同其所處社會中的社會脈絡的約制,創新亦然。社會學者認為創新並不是在一個真空狀態下橫空出世的特殊現象,創新的出現對應了某個特殊的社會脈絡,甚至是希望解決某個特定的社會問題。因此,本課程介紹了社會學如何理解創新的各種觀點,包含了「創新的社會基礎」、「模仿與創新」、「組織創新理論」、「企業家精神的基礎」、「創新的擴散與學習」、「金融網絡創新」以及「知識創新網絡」。希望透過社些相關議題的討論,讓同學理解創新的社會基礎為何。 Course Objectives: This course understands innovation from a sociological perspective. The origin of sociology comes from the Industrial Revolution, which focuses on discussing the changes and impacts brought by technological innovation on society. Therefore, paying attention to innovation has become an eternal concern of sociology. This course plan hopes to start from a sociological perspective, hoping to understand how social scholars view social innovation, an important phenomenon that promotes social change, through theoretical and empirical analysis. Course Overview: Innovation, as an important phenomenon that promotes changes in human society, plays a very important role in contemporary society. But the question is how should we understand innovation? In the past, when discussing innovation, the social process of innovation was often treated as a black box, and people were unable to understand what the innovation process was. However, sociologists believe that any social behavior is not restricted by the social context of the society in which it is located, and the same is true for innovation. Sociologists believe that innovation is not a special phenomenon that emerges in a vacuum. The emergence of innovation corresponds to a special social context, or even hopes to solve a specific social problem. Therefore, this course introduces various perspectives on how sociology understands innovation, including "Social Basis of Innovation", "Imitation and Innovation", "Organizational Innovation Theory", "Basics of Entrepreneurship", "Diffusion and Learning of Innovation" ”, “Financial Network Innovation” and “Knowledge Innovation Network”. We hope that through discussions on some social-related issues, students can understand the social foundation of innovation.

參考書目 Reference Books

Barnes, B., Bloor, D., & Henry, J. 1996. Scientific knowledge: A sociological analysis. University of Chicago Press.
Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T., & Douglas, D. G. 2012. The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press.
Bourdieu, P. 2013. Manet, Une révolution symbolique. Cours au collège de France (1998-2000) suivis d'un manuscrit inachevé de Pierre et Marie-Claire Bourdieu. Seuil. (馬內-象徵的革命,有中文版。)
Hofstadter, D. R. 1980. Gödel, escher, bach (p. 168). New York: Vintage Books(奇異壁,有中文版。)
De Tarde, G. 1900. Les lois de l'imitation: étude sociologique. F. Alcan. (模仿率,有中文版)
Latour, B., & Lépinay, V. A. 2008. L'économie, science des intérêts passionnés: introduction à l'anthropologie économique de Gabriel Tarde. Editions La Découverte.(激情的經濟學:激情的經濟學:我們從未理性過?塔德人類學的經濟解讀)
Mulkay, M. J. 1972. The social process of innovation: a study in the sociology of science.

Barnes, B., Bloor, D., & Henry, J. 1996. Scientific knowledge: A sociological analysis. University of Chicago Press.
Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T., & Douglas, D. G. 2012. The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press.
Bourdieu, P. 2013. Manet, Une révolution symbolique. Cours au collège de France (1998-2000) suivis d'un manuscrit inachevé de Pierre et Marie-Claire Bourdieu. Seuil. )
Hofstadter, D. R. 1980. Gödel, escher, bach (p. 168). New York: Vintage Books (Strange Wall, available in Chinese.)
De Tarde, G. 1900. Les lois de l'imitation: étude sociologique. F. Alcan. (Imitation rate, Chinese version available)
Latour, B., & Lépinay, V. A. 2008. The economics of passion: we have never been rational. ?Economic Interpretation of Tarde’s Anthropology)
Mulkay, M. J. 1972. The social process of innovation: a study in the sociology of science.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
class report
20 四篇,一篇5%
midterm exam
30 Take home exam
final exam
30 Take home exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:彭思錦
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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