Southeast Asia is a geographically shattered and politically diversified region. Its geopolitical significance has become more salient in the last few years, given the growing shadow of China, and its diversity has been the focal point of students of regional studies and social sciences. The overarching question is whether we could understand the diversity via generalized explanations. This seminar intends to tackle the puzzle through extensive reading and theoretically-driven discussion. Majors issues about state-building, nationalism and ethnic politics, economic development, religious politics, regime dynamics, and international relations in Southeast Asia will be discussed along the course. Southeast Asia is a geographicly shattered and politically diversified region. Its geopolitical significance has become more salient in the last few years, given the growing shadow of China, and its diversity has been the focal point of students of regional studies and social sciences. The overarching question is whether we could understand the diversity via generalized explanations. This seminar intends to tackle the puzzle Through extensive reading and theoretically-driven discussion. Majors issues about state-building, nationalism and ethnic politics, economic development, religious politics, regime dynamics, and international relations in Southeast Asia will be discussed along the course.
Contemporary Southeast Asia: The Politics of Change, Contestation, and Adaptation. Edited by Alice D. Ba and Mark Beeson (2017) Red Globe Press.
Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Economic Community. Edited by Roderick Macdonald (2019) Palgrave MacMillian
《懶惰土著的迷思:16至20世紀馬來人、菲律賓人和爪哇人的形象及其於殖民資本主義意識形態中的功能》SYED HUSSEIN ALATAS 著作, 陳耀宗翻譯,陽明交通大學出版社(2022)
《印尼 etc.:眾神遺落的珍珠》,Elizabeth Pisani著,譚家瑜譯,聯經(2015)
《老撾的地緣政治學:扈從還是避險?》羅金義, 秦偉燊著,香港城市大學 (2017/07/01)
《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,Joel Brinkley著,楊芩雯譯,聯經(2014)
《柬埔寨的政治經濟變遷(1953-2018)》蕭文軒、顧長永、林文斌著,聯經(2020) [732頁]
《解讀東協:前進東協,你不可不知道的經濟、政治、歷史背景,以及現況與未來》, 馬凱碩, 孫合記/著, 徐遵慈/審定 ,台北:遠流(2017)
《新加坡的非典型崛起:從萊佛士爵士到李光耀,駕馭海洋的小城大國》,John Curtis Perry著作, 林添貴翻譯,八旗文化(2020)
《成與敗:亞洲國家的經濟運作之道》,Joe Studwell著,楊濤斌等譯,八旗文化(2014)
《想像的共同體:民族主義的起源與散布》,Benedict Anderson著,吳叡人譯 ,時報 (2010)。
《血路盛世:當代東南亞的權力與衝突》,Michael R. J. Vatikiotis,商周出版(2018)
《緬甸,新亞洲的博弈競技場》,吳丹敏 (Thant Myint-U)作,張毓如翻譯,馬可孛羅出版(2019)。
《泰國:美國與中國間的角力戰場,在夾縫中求存的東南亞王國》,班傑明.札瓦基(Benjamin Zawacki)作,楊芩雯譯,馬可孛羅出版(2019)
《中美爭霸:兩強相遇東南亞》,沈大偉(David Shambaugh), 黃中憲翻譯,春山出版 (2021/09/07)
《從暹羅到泰國:失落的土地與被操弄的歷史》,夏恩.史崔特(Shane Strate)作,譚天翻譯,聯經(2019)
《風之帝國:全球貿易的關鍵地帶,海洋亞洲的盛世繁華》,Philip Bowring著, 馮奕達翻譯,聯經出版公司(2021)
《南海:21世紀的亞洲火藥庫與中國稱霸的第一步?》,Bill Hayton著,林添貴譯,麥田(2015)
《緬甸的未竟之路:種族、資本主義與二十一世紀的民主新危機》,吳丹敏著,黃中憲翻譯,馬可孛羅 (2021)
《建國與國際政治:近代中印泰主權國家建構比較史(1893-1952)》。 莊嘉穎作, 鄺健銘翻譯。季風帶文化(2020)。
《不平等的樣貌:新加坡繁榮神話背後,社會底層的悲歌》。Teo You Yenn 張優遠 , 方祖芳翻譯,聯經出版公司(2022)
Contemporary Southeast Asia: The Politics of Change, Contestation, and Adaptation. Edited by Alice D. Ba and Mark Beeson (2017) Red Globe Press.
Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Economic Community. Edited by Roderick Macdonald (2019) Palgrave MacMillian
"The Myth of the Lazy Indigenous: The Images of Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th Century and Its Function in the Ideological Form of Colonial Capitalism" SYED HUSSEIN ALATAS, Translated by Chen Yaozong, Yangming Jiaotong University Press (2022)
"Indonesia etc.: The Pearl of the Falling God", by Elizabeth Pisani, translated by Yu Yu, Lianhe (2015)
"Political Economy in Indonesian Industry: Resource Curse", Dai Wanping, Hong Kong City University (2017)
"Lao Rong's Earthly Politics: Hu Zi or Avoid? 》Ro Jinyi, by Qin Weishen, City University of Hong Kong (2017/07/01)
"Cambodia: The Cursed Country", written by Joel Brinkley, translated by Yang Qinwen, Joint (2014)
"The Political Economy Changes in Cambodia (1953-2018)" by Xu Wenhua, Guard Changyong and Lin Wenbin, Joint (2020) [732 pages]
"Xinyun: A group of economic elites create the key process for Singapore to become the number one", works by Zeng Zhenmu and others, American businessman McGro Hill (2004)
"Interpretation of the East Alliance: The Economic, Political, Historical Background, As Current and Future You Must Know", Ma Kaising, Sun He's Notes/Written by Xu Zunci/Approved, Taipei: Far-flowing (2017)
"The Atypical Rise of Singapore: From Sir Laver to Lee Kuan Yew, a Small Town and a Country in the Ocean", John Curtis Perry's Works, Lin Tianqi Translation, Eight Banners Culture (2020)
"The Success and Disaster: The Way of Economic Work in Asian Countries", written by Joe Studwell, translated by Yang Bin and others, Eight Banners Culture (2014)
"The Common Imagination: The Origin and Dissemination of Nationalism", by Benedict Anderson, Translated by Wu Yao, Times (2010).
"The Prosperous Times of Blood: The Power and Clash of Contemporary Southeast Asia", Michael R. J. Vatikiotis, Published by Shang and Zhou (2018)
"Myanmar, New Asia's Game Competition Field", written by Thant Myint-U, translated by Zhang Yuru, published by Makoboro (2019).
"Thailand: The battle between the United States and China, the kingdom of Southeast Asia that survives among the clans", Ban Jieming. Written by Benjamin Zawacki, translated by Yang Qinwen, published by Makoboro (2019)
"Sino-US War: Two Strongest Meeting in Southeast Asia", David Shambaugh, Translated by Huang Zhongxian, Chunshan Publishing (2021/09/07)
"From Siam to Thailand: Lost Land and the History of Manipulated", Xia En. Shane Strate's work, translated by the fish sky, and connected (2019)
"The Empire of Wind: The Key Point of Global Trade, the Prosperity of Ocean Asia", by Philip Bowring, Translation by Feng Yida, Joint Publishing Company (2021)
"Indonesian Model: Twenty Years of National Democracy", written by Dai Weixin, Jifeng Train Culture Co., Ltd. (2019)
"The South China Sea: The 21st Century Asian Torture Bank and the First Step of Chinese Dominating? 》, by Bill Hayton, translated by Lin Tian, Maitian (2015)
"Myanmar's Unfinished Road: A New Crisis of Race, Capitalism and the Twenty-First Century of Democracy", written by Wu Danmin, translated by Huang Zhongxian, Mako Boro (2021)
"The Founding of a State and International Politics: A Comparative History of the Establishment of a State of Rights in Modern China, India and Thailand (1893-1952). The work of Zhu Jia, the translation of Zheng Jianjian. Seasonal Style Culture (2020).
Written by Guo Huiying, "Between the Empire and Beyond the Republic of China: Economic Strategies and "China" Imagination of the British-Hong Kong and Singaporean Chinese (1914-1941" (Shifeng Culture, 2021)
"The Appearance of Inequality: A Lesson Song at the Underlying Society of Singapore's Merry Myth." Teo You Yenn Zhang Youyuan, translated by Fang Zufang, Joint Publishing Company (2022)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
30 | |
期末作業期末作業 Final operation |
70 |