課程以單元式介紹統計研究常用之演算法,並輔以統計軟體 R 進行實作,透過程式編寫熟悉課堂所學之相關理論,進而達到分析資料與統計推論之目的。
The course introduces commonly used algorithms in a single form, and conducts the implementation of the statistical software R. Through the program editing, familiarizes with the relevant theoretical discussions learned in the classroom, and achieves the purpose of analyzing data and statistical recommendations.
S. Ross (2012). Simulation. 5th Edition. Academic Press.
S. Ross (2012). simulation. 5TH edition. academic press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Action |
40 | |
期中報告/測驗期中報告/測驗 Midterm report/test |
25 | |
期末報告/測驗期末報告/測驗 Final report/test |
25 | |
課堂表現(含出席)課堂表現(含出席) Classroom presentation (including attendance) |
10 |