course information of 113 - 1 | 6107 Communication Strategy and Media Management(傳播策略與媒體經營管理)

6107 - 傳播策略與媒體經營管理 Communication Strategy and Media Management

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的開設是為了培養傳播策略與媒體經營管理的思維,課程內容相當重視傳播觀念的建立,進一步提升對媒體的戰略溝通能力。本課程的學習內容包括傳播理論、媒體經營與管理、公共關係、廣告學、整合行銷傳播、媒體市場分析、傳播企劃專案、以及媒體研究方法和企劃書撰寫等。本課程學習順序,首先是媒體素養的提升,包括認識傳播媒體、傳播理論、人際傳播與大眾傳播應用,然後學習媒體經營的專業。第二階段在如何制定有效的傳播策略,然後應用在媒體經營的公關與活動規劃中。第三階段將學習傳播受眾與廣告分析,進行綜合理論應用與實務操作,並完成傳播企劃撰寫。■※課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents) (限2000中文字) 課程說明: 歐美許多大學在傳播與管理學院中皆開設了「傳播策略與媒體經營管理」,因為在當今全球充斥大眾傳播媒介與社群媒體的社會中,各行各業的經營管理者都會面對不斷變化的媒體行銷需求,以及因應社群媒體的輿論攻擊,若能掌握對媒體溝通的技巧與優勢,將可以掌握傳播行銷和危機處理的制動權。 本課程的開設是為了培養傳播策略與媒體經營管理的思維,課程內容相當重視傳播觀念的建立,進一步提升對媒體的戰略溝通能力。本課程的學習內容包括傳播理論、媒體經營與管理、公共關係、廣告學、整合行銷傳播、媒體市場分析、傳播企劃專案、以及媒體研究方法和企劃書撰寫等。本課程學習順序,首先是媒體素養的提升,包括認識傳播媒體、傳播理論、人際傳播與大眾傳播應用,然後學習媒體經營的專業。第二階段在如何制定有效的傳播策略,然後應用在媒體經營的公關與活動規劃中。第三階段將學習傳播受眾與廣告分析,進行綜合理論應用與實務操作,並完成傳播企劃撰寫。 課程目標 「傳播策略與媒體經營管理」課程的目標一般是為了配合當前媒體和溝通領域的需求,培養專業知識和技能,以便能夠在多變的溝通環境中成功地進行策略性溝通。 1. 掌握傳播媒介與傳播方式,包括傳播理論、傳播技巧的建立。 2. 培養分析和運用各種傳播媒介和平台的能力。 3. 建立對公共關係的了解,透過公關經營媒體關係。 4. 了解數據分析和市場研究,透過數據制定有效的溝通策略。 5. 強調倫理和社會責任在媒體溝通中的重要性。 3.課程內涵 1.傳播媒介與傳播理論:傳播媒介的社會功能、大眾傳播理論。 2.傳播策略與溝通:溝通工具使用分析,媒體經營的策略與計畫。 3.新媒體經營管理:新媒體與科技,社群媒體平台的使用和管理。 4.公共關係和廣告策略:人際傳播概論、廣告學、危機管理、大數據與市場分析、傳播研究方法。 5.新聞稿寫作:新聞學、新聞稿撰寫技巧、品牌宣傳活動文案。 6.企劃書撰寫:撰寫媒體傳播行銷計畫書。 This course is offered to cultivate the thinking of communication strategy and media management. The content of the course attaches great importance to the establishment of communication concepts and further enhances the strategic communication ability of the media. The learning contents of this course include communication theory, media operation and management, public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication, media market analysis, communication planning projects, media research methods and plan writing, etc. The learning sequence of this course is to first improve media literacy, including understanding communication media, communication theory, interpersonal communication and mass communication applications, and then study the major of media management. The second stage is about how to formulate effective communication strategies and then apply them in public relations and event planning for media management. In the third stage, students will learn communication audience and advertising analysis, conduct comprehensive theoretical applications and practical operations, and complete the writing of communication plans. ■※Course Objectives and Contents (limited to 2000 Chinese characters) Course description: Many universities in Europe and the United States offer "Communication Strategy and Media Management" in their schools of communication and management, because in today's global society filled with mass media and social media, managers from all walks of life will face ever-changing challenges. Media marketing needs and responding to the public opinion attacks of social media. If you can master the skills and advantages of media communication, you will be able to control the braking power of communication marketing and crisis management. This course is offered to cultivate the thinking of communication strategy and media management. The content of the course attaches great importance to the establishment of communication concepts and further enhances the strategic communication ability of the media. The learning contents of this course include communication theory, media operation and management, public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication, media market analysis, communication planning projects, media research methods and plan writing, etc. The learning sequence of this course is to first improve media literacy, including understanding communication media, communication theory, interpersonal communication and mass communication applications, and then study the major of media management. The second stage is about how to formulate effective communication strategies and then apply them in public relations and event planning for media management. In the third stage, students will learn communication audience and advertising analysis, conduct comprehensive theoretical applications and practical operations, and complete the writing of communication plans. Course objectives The goal of the "Communication Strategy and Media Operations and Management" course is generally to meet the needs of the current media and communication fields and to cultivate professional knowledge and skills so that you can successfully conduct strategic communication in a changing communication environment. 1. Master the communication media and communication methods, including the establishment of communication theories and communication skills. 2. Develop the ability to analyze and use various communication media and platforms. 3. Establish an understanding of public relations and manage media relations through public relations. 4. Understand data analysis and market research, and develop effective communication strategies through data. 5. Emphasize the importance of ethics and social responsibility in media communications. 3. Course content 1. Communication media and communication theory: social functions of communication media, mass communication theory. 2. Communication strategy and communication: analysis of the use of communication tools, media management strategies and plans. 3. New media management: new media and technology, use and management of social media platforms. 4. Public relations and advertising strategy: introduction to interpersonal communication, advertising, crisis management, big data and market analysis, communication research methods. 5. Press release writing: journalism, press release writing skills, brand promotion event copywriting. 6. Plan writing: Writing a media communication and marketing plan.

參考書目 Reference Books

■※主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印) (限2000中文字)
W. James Potter /Media Literacy
孫秀惠/公共關係 理論、策略與研究實例 [新修訂第二版]

■※Main reference books/materials (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks comply with the concept of intellectual property rights and are not illegally photocopied) (Limited to 2000 Chinese characters)
W. James Potter /Media Literacy
Weng Xiuqi/Mass Communication Theory and Evidence (4th Edition)
Christian Fox/Critical Theory of Social Media
Lin Zhaozhen/News, at the turning point: News transformation and aggregation in the digital era
Sun Xiuhui/Public Relations Theory, Strategy and Research Examples [Newly Revised Second Edition]
High-end training/operate big data membership marketing with MARTECH ("Big Data Predictive Marketing" best-selling updated version)
Li Xiangjun/Strategy and Public Relations: Theory and Practice
Yao Huizhong/Principles and Practice of Public Relations
Zhai Zhiping/Advertising design strategy and management: Creating survival rules for advertisers to settle down
Basic accomplishments of Times publishing/copywriting: Things are more important than writing skills
Yang Minghao/Ogilvy talks about advertising in the digital era: Focus on consumer insights and decrypt brand marketing

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
absence from work
20 無故缺勤三次者不予給分
Daily homework
30 分組報告,若未參與不予給分
final assignment
50 分組報告,若未參與不予給分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4[M146]
授課教師 Teacher:黃兆璽
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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