course information of 113 - 1 | 6050 (企業智慧化管理工具應用)

6050 - 企業智慧化管理工具應用

教育目標 Course Target

1. 課程目標Course Objectives: 提升AI領導力和組織文化轉型,加速智慧化決策,提高競爭力。 學習未來趨勢和商模創新,運用工具在商機洞察與經營管理。 探索先行企業成功案例,從中學習最佳實踐,為企業提供實用指導。 參訪企業,見證AI導入效益,啟發創新思維,引領未來方向。 2. 課程特色Course Features: 產/學/研AI領域權威專家授課 企業智慧化管理經典個案研討 理論與實務兼具符合應用場景 3. 課程結構及範圍 Course Structure and Scope: AI領導力與組織文化轉型 未來趨勢與商模創新 企業智慧管理個案分享 企業參訪1. Course Objectives: Improve AI leadership and organizational culture transformation, accelerate intelligent decision-making, and improve competitiveness. Learn future trends and business model innovation, and use tools to understand and manage business operations in business operations. Explore successful cases of leading enterprises, learn the best practices from the middle, and provide practical guidance for enterprises. Visit enterprises, witness the benefits of AI introduction, create innovative thinking, and lead the future direction. 2. Course Features: Courses from experts in the field of industry/study/research AI Classic case study of enterprise intelligent management Theory and practice are both in line with the application scenario 3. Course Structure and Scope: AI leadership and organizational culture transformation Future trends and business model innovation Share a case of enterprise smart management Enterprise visit

參考書目 Reference Books

派翠克.范德皮爾, 賈斯汀.羅奇茲, 羅蘭.凡能,2022年,商業模式轉型:獲利世代2 價值創新的6大途徑,天下雜誌
洪錦魁,2024年, AI行銷:未來商業新視界 AI Marketing - A New Vision for Future Business,深智出版

Self-edited speech
Patrick. Van der Pier, Jastin. Rochies, Roland. Fanneng, 2022, the transformation of business model: Profit Generation 2 6 major roads for value innovation, the world's magazine
Marlow. Jilan, 2023, revolutions for many generations, published by Shang and Zhou dynasties
Zhan Wennan, in 2024, learn digital transformation from teachers: Taiwan Enterprise Case Analysis and Industry Trends Views, Shang and Zhou Publishing
In 2023, when digital transformation meets generative AI--the strategic thinking and transformational practice of 150 companies in Taiwan, published by Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Hong Junkui, 2024, AI Marketing: Future Business AI Marketing - A New Vision for Future Business, Shenzhi Publishing
Yin Huizhi, 2024, the work revolution in the era of AI generation, published by Tianxia Finance
Ding Lei, 2023, Generative Artificial Intelligence, China Creative and Rich Publishing
Du Yu, Zhang Ziyan, 2023, the era of AI generation - from ChatGPT to pictures, music, videos, Gaobao Book Edition Group

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:黃柏漙
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:上課時間:【09:00-16:00】8/16(五)、8/26(一)、9/1(日)、9/3(二)、9/8(日)、9/13(五)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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