本課程將接續環境電化學課程,其中關於微生物的胞外電子傳遞機制,再另外做詳細的介紹與解說,課程總共分四部份: (一) 微生物代謝機制介紹;(二) 酵素電化學介紹;(三)胞外電子傳遞機制介紹;(四) 微生物光合電化學介紹。This course will continue the course of environmental electrochemical studies, which includes the extracellular electronic transmission mechanism of microorganisms, and then provide detailed introduction and explanation. The course is divided into four parts: (1) Introduction to microbial accreditation mechanism; (2) Introduction to enzyme electrochemical studies ; (III) Introduction to extracellular electron transmission mechanism; (IV) Introduction to microbial photosynthetic electrochemical.
“Bacterial Metabolism 2nd edition”, Gerhard Gottschalk, Springer-Verlag, 1986.
"Electrochemistry - Principles, Methods and Applications", C. M. A. Brett and A. M. O. Brett, Oxford Science Publications, 1993.
Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and applications, B.E Rittmann and P.L. McCarty, 2nd. ed., McGral-Hill
“Bacterial Metabolism 2nd edition”, Gerhard Gottschalk, Springer-Verlag, 1986.
"Electrochemistry - Principles, Methods and Applications", C. M. A. Brett and A. M. O. Brett, Oxford Science Publications, 1993.
Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and applications, B.E Rittmann and P.L. McCarty, 2nd. ed., McGral-Hill
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Student talk#1Student talk#1 student talk#1 |
20 | 微生物代謝機制報告 |
Student talk#2Student talk#2 student talk#2 |
20 | 微生物光合電化學報告 |
Student talk#3Student talk#3 student talk#3 |
20 | 胞外電子傳遞機制報告 |
Final reportFinal report Final report |
40 | 期末整合報告 |