本課程目標在學習進階之動量、熱量與質量傳送之觀念與其相關之工程計算,以期在化工與材料上得到專業知識外,也能有解決專業問題之思考方向以及工程直覺。The purpose of this course is to learn the concept of advanced dynamic, heat and quality transmission and engineering calculations related to them, in order to gain professional knowledge in chemicals and materials, it can also have a thinking direction and engineering perspective to solve professional problems.
The purpose of this course is to learn the concept of advanced dynamic, heat and quality transmission and engineering calculations related to them, in order to gain professional knowledge in chemicals and materials, it can also have a thinking direction and engineering perspective to solve professional problems.
R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot., Transport Phenomena, Revised 2nd Edition.
R. Byron bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot., transport phenomenon, revised 2ND edition.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
第一次期中考第一次期中考 The first midterm exam |
20 | |
第二次期中考第二次期中考 The second midterm exam |
20 | |
第三次期中考第三次期中考 The third midterm exam |
20 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | |
作業繳交與討論作業繳交與討論 Business transactions and discussions |
10 | |
出席率與上課表現加分出席率與上課表現加分 Extra points for attendance and class performance |
10 |