Ecosystem is an integration of biological and non-biological parts of an area, and there is a web of interactions and interdependencies among the parts. Forests, as the largest part of terrestrial ecosystem, play a critical role as various processes that support the internal functioning of the forest and connect it to surrounding landscape and the globe, directly affecting movement of energy and elements, and organisms. The key processes that shape the structure and function of forest ecosystem, including hydrologic and nutrient cycling, productivity, disturbances, and invasive species, will be covered in this course. Discussion of how human induced global change affects the ecosystem stability and function will also be covered. At the end of this course, students are expected to understand the basic principles and concepts of ecosystem ecology and explain why it is relevant to the society. Ecosystem is an integration of biological and non-biological parts of an area, and there is a web of interactions and interdependencies among the parts. Forests, as the largest part of terrestrial ecosystem, play a critical role as various processes that support the internal functioning of the forest and connect it to surrounding landscape and the globe, directly affecting movement of energy and elements, and organisms. The key processes that shape the structure and function of forest ecosystem, including hydrologic and nutritious cycling, productivity, disorders, and invasive species, will be covered in this course. Discussion of how human induced global change affects the ecosystem stability and function will also be covered. At the end of this course , students are expected to understand the basic principles and concepts of ecosystem ecology and explain why it is relevant to the society.
Perry DA, Oren R, Hart SC (2008) Forest Ecosystems. 2nd edition, The Johns Hopkin University Press, Baltimore.
Perry DA, O-Man R, Hart SC (2008) forest ecosystems. 2ND edition, the John shop kin university press, Baltimore.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂討論課堂討論 Class discussion |
15 | 課程相關問題的提問及討論 |
課堂小考課堂小考 Classroom exam |
35 | 針對學期所進行課程內容的平時考核 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
35 | 針對指定文獻閱讀的報告及評析 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
15 | 期末報告 |