本課程的目的除了探討近代天皇制國家及其近代社會形成的特殊性之外,亦希望透過對日本近代社會形成的觀察,了解日本在台灣殖民時期的種種政策與台灣近代社會形成的關聯性。The purpose of this course is not only to explore the particularities of the modern imperial state and the formation of its modern society, but also to understand the correlation between various Japanese policies during the colonial period in Taiwan and the formation of Taiwan's modern society through the observation of the formation of modern Japanese society.
The purpose of this course is not only to explore the particularities of the modern imperial state and the formation of its modern society, but also to understand the correlation between various Japanese policies during the colonial period in Taiwan and the formation of Taiwan's modern society through the observation of the formation of modern Japanese society.
鈴木正幸 『王と公』
末光 欣也 『台湾の歴史 日本統治時代の台湾』
駒込 武 『植民地帝国日本の文化統合』
「日本近代化の視点 」武井邦夫
「井上毅の国体論・君主像-天皇像をめぐる伝統と近代」林 珠雪
「日本の近代化と『家』」小笠原 真
Kiyoshi Haraguchi "The Formation of Japan's Modern State"
Yamanaka Naganosuke "The Formation of Modern Japanese Country and the "Family" System"
Suzuki Masayuki "The Prince"
Suemitsu Yoshiya "History of Taiwan: Taiwan in the Era of Japanese Rule"
Komagome Takeshi "Cultural integration of the empire of Japan"
Yamada Taoshi "Modern Japan's National State and Local Self-Government": A Comparative Historical Study
"Perspectives on Japanese Modernization" Kunio Takei
"Takashi Inoue's Theory of the National System - The Statue of the Emperor - The Statue of the Emperor in Modern Times" Juxue Hayashi
"Taiwan's colonial rule and education issues in Japan-"Assimilationism" center" Lin Zhuxue
"Japan's modernization is a public and private consciousness" Takeuchi Haruhiko
"Japan's Modernization and "Home"" Ogasawara Makoto
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時平時 Usually |
40 | 出席率/上課態度/作業是否準時繳交/參與討論的情形 |
作業作業 Homework |
30 | 每週作業的內容和完成度 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 期末報告和發表內容 |