course information of 113 - 1 | 5209 Communication and Culture B: Language and Contact(溝通與文化B–語言與接觸)

5209 - 溝通與文化B–語言與接觸 Communication and Culture B: Language and Contact

教育目標 Course Target

人間は文字、音声等の媒介を通して他者と接触し、交流する。様々な形態のコミュニケーションにおいて多様な言語現象が見られる。本授業は台湾と日本を出発点とし、社会言語学の視点から言語行動、言語接触や言語変化を分析し、社会における様々な言語現象を考察できるようになることを目指す。また、文献講読、発表とディスカッションを重視し、興味や関心のある分野について考えを深め広げ、論理的・批判的思考力と課題解決力の向上を図る。The medium of human beings, such as words and sounds, is the means of communication with others and the means of contact and communication.様々なmorphologyのコミュニケーションにおいて多様なverbal phenomenonが见られる. This course is based on Taiwanese and Japanese origins, sociolinguistics perspectives on speech acts, and speech contact on speech. Analysis of changes in society, investigation of speech phenomena of society, and investigation of speech phenomena.また, document review, 発 table とディスカッションを attaches great importance to, interest and interest や care のある divisionについてtestえを深め広げ、logical and critical thinking ability and problem solving abilityの上を図る.

課程概述 Course Description

People often use language, words, sounds and other symbols to contact and communicate. Many different language phenomena can be found in various types of contact and communication. This course takes Taiwan and Japan as the starting point, and also analyzes and discusses from the perspective of sociolinguistics (such as language action, language contact, language change and other research topics) Various linguistic phenomena in society.

參考書目 Reference Books


8.堀尾佳以(2022)「第4章 若者言葉に見られる程度の副詞――激ウマ・ややウケ・サクッと」『若者言葉の研究ーSNS時代の言語変化ー』九州大学出版会、pp.63-74。
9.ヘファナン, ケビン(2013)「関西弁における否定形の整理」『総合政策研究』第44号、pp.16-26。
【Writing a book】
1. Edited by Ogino Tsunao (2018) "Speech Acts" Asakura Japanese Lectures 9 (new edition) Asakura Shoten.
2. Edited by Shinji Sanada (2006) "Perspectives on Sociolinguistics" published by くろしお.
3. Edited by Nobuharu Sanada, Yoshiyuki Asahi, Jan Yuezhen, and Li Shunjiong (2021) "Social Linguistics Collection - Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean Explanations" (new edition) ひつじ Study Room.
4. Yoshihiro Horio (2022) "Research on the Change of Speech in the SNS Era" Kyushu University Press.

5. Shibuya Katsuki (2018) "History of Research on Speech Acts" "Speech Acts" edited by Ogino Tsunao, Asakura Shoten, pp. 241-261.
6. Jian Yuezhen (2006) "Japanese Personal Pronouns for Senior Citizens in Taiwan" "Japanese Language Research" Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 61-76.
7. Kurata Yoshiya (2023) "Japan-Korea Contact Scene のLINE チャットのconversation におけるスタンプの特徴—Japanese "Comparison of native speakers and Korean non-native speakers" "Research on Japanese Language Education at Takushoku University" No. 8, pp. 55-78.
8. Yoshii Horio (2022) "Chapter 4 If the person says the word 褉に见られる Degreeのadverb--gekiウマ・ややウケ・"サクッと" "Research on the Speech Changing in the SNS Era" "Research on Ruo Zhe Yan Piao's Speech Transformation in the SNS Era" Kyushu University Press, pp.63-74.
9. Tomorrow Nozomi, Kono (2013) "Consolidation of Negative Forms of Kansai 偁における" "Kaihe Policy Research" No. 44, pp.16-26.
10. Yamashita Rika (2014) "モスク CLASSROOM における在日パキスタン人児子のコードスイッチング" "Social Speech Science" Volume 17, No. 1, pp. 61-76.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
30 出席、ディスカッションへの参加度、課題提出等
Literature review table
personal research report
20 自主学習活動の成果を含む
End of term レポート

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6[HT104]
授課教師 Teacher:吳素汝
修課班級 Class:日文碩1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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