course information of 113 - 1 | 5202 Program Activities in the Field (I)(領域活動計畫1)

5202 - 領域活動計畫1 Program Activities in the Field (I)

教育目標 Course Target

【東海、甲南、愛知縣立大日語學習營】(張瑜珊) 連結以下參與者,運作日語學習營,做出社會貢獻 (1)在日本甲南大學修習「日本語教師養成講座」之「日本語教育実習」日籍大學生(含研究所);在日本愛知縣立大學招募的學生 (2)在台灣東海大學修習日本語言文化學系下學期課程「日語分科教學法」及暑修課程「共學課程:『日語教與學』」的學生 (3)甲南大學與東海大學日語教育相關任課指導教師 (4)學員:主要是東海大學周遭社區的人,但不分年齡、職業、性別,只要對學習日語有興趣的人皆可以參加。 【台日社區交流】(內田良子,王怡人) 本活動的目標是透過交流活動深入理解台日雙方共同的社會議題,在交流活動中台灣的大學生與日本的大學生、社區居民溝通互動,學習彼此的語言、文化和價值觀。 為了讓同學能夠從實際生活場域中運用所學,與日本的大學生組成活動小組進行異地教學活動。春季合宿在每年2-3月間舉行,活動地點在台灣;夏季合宿在每年6-9月間,活動地點在日本。 (1)合宿前活動小組透過線上會議共同探討主題的背景知識,(2)合宿期間實地走訪社區進行交流,(3)合宿尾聲成果發表,授課目標與內容,(4)合宿結束後製作活動報告書及研究報告 【中區調查】(黃淑燕) 本活動的場域為台中中區。中區是一個充滿日治時代歷史文化的地方,近年來也因為地方創生及老屋再利用等受人矚目。利用踏查、訪談、文物收集等方式,重新認識及定義此處。 [Japanese Learning Camp in Tokai, Konan, and Aichi Prefectures] (Zhang Yushan) Connect with the following participants, run a Japanese language learning camp, and make social contributions (1) Japanese college students (including graduate students) studying "Japanese Language Education Practice" in the "Japanese Language Teacher Development Course" at Konan University in Japan; students recruited from Aichi Prefectural University in Japan (2) Students who are studying the next semester course "Japanese Language Teaching Methods by Subject" and the summer course "Co-study Course: "Japanese Language Teaching and Learning"" at the Department of Japanese Language and Culture at Tunghai University in Taiwan (3) Japanese language education-related course instructors at Konan University and Tokai University (4) Students: Mainly people from the community around Tunghai University, but anyone who is interested in learning Japanese regardless of age, occupation, or gender can participate. [Taiwanese-Japanese Community Exchange] (Ryoko Uchida, Wang Yiren) The goal of this activity is to gain a deeper understanding of common social issues between Taiwan and Japan through exchange activities. During the exchange activities, Taiwanese college students communicate and interact with Japanese college students and community residents, and learn each other's language, culture, and values. In order to enable students to apply what they have learned in real life situations, we formed an activity group with Japanese college students to conduct off-site teaching activities. The spring camp is held from February to March every year, and the event location is Taiwan; the summer camp is held from June to September every year, and the event location is Japan. (1) The activity group discussed the background knowledge of the topic through online meetings before the stay, (2) Visited the community for communication during the stay, (3) Presented the results at the end of the stay, teaching objectives and content, (4) Prepared an activity report after the stay Books and research reports 【Central District Investigation】(Huang Shuyan) The venue of this event is Taichung Central District. Central District is a place full of history and culture from the Japanese colonial era. In recent years, it has attracted attention for its local revitalization and reuse of old houses. Use methods such as inspections, interviews, and collection of cultural relics to re-understand and define this place.

課程概述 Course Description

Provide assistance to members who are actually conducting exchange activities in the same field, while learning how to plan, implement, analyze, and improve activities designed for practical exchanges.

參考書目 Reference Books


A new framework for Taiwan-Japan communication model—20 years of experience in "Japanese Language Camp in the East China Sea"
Huang Shuyan

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Activity participation
Contribution to activities
Flexible weekly group results report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:黃淑燕/王怡人/張瑜珊/內田良子
修課班級 Class:日文碩2
選課備註 Memo:限碩士班先修課程申請者,可同時修習碩士班1.2年級必修科目。上課時間另訂,請與教師另外安排時間。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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