course information of 113 - 1 | 5187 Chinese Language Testing and Assessment(華語文測驗與評量)

5187 - 華語文測驗與評量 Chinese Language Testing and Assessment

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在有系統地描述全球華語文能力測驗的現況、教學與測驗評量的關係、華語文測驗評量理論與名詞釋義、華語文能力測驗的編製與題型、華語文口說測驗與評量、華語文寫作測驗與評量、華語文試題的難易度分析、華語文試題的鑑別度分析、華語文試題選項的誘答力分析、華語文試題的效度與信度分析、華語文課堂測驗與多元評量,以及華語文測驗與評量研究的現況與未來發展方向,並彙整教育部「對外華語教學能力認證考試」裡的「華語文教學」考科有關華語文教育測驗與評量的試題,以深入淺出的方式讓修習本課程的學生瞭解並掌握海內外華語文教育測驗與評量的點線面,將之有效地運用於華語文教學實務中。This course aims to systematically describe the current situation of global Chinese language proficiency tests, the relationship between teaching and test assessment, Chinese language test assessment theory and terminology, the preparation and question types of Chinese language proficiency tests, Chinese speaking test and Assessment, Chinese language writing tests and assessments, difficulty analysis of Chinese language test questions, discrimination analysis of Chinese language test questions, analysis of the attractiveness of Chinese language test questions, validity and reliability analysis of Chinese language test questions, Chinese language test questions Chinese classroom testing and multi-evaluation, as well as the current status and future development direction of Chinese language testing and assessment research, and a compilation of the Chinese language education tests and The assessment test questions allow students taking this course to understand and master the points and aspects of Chinese language education testing and assessment at home and abroad in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and to effectively apply it in Chinese language teaching practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

Main textbooks
Cai, Qiao-Yu (2018). An item analysis of a self-made placement test for an immigrant Chinese program. In
Qiao-Yu (Ed.), Chinese as a second and foreign language education: Pedagogy and psychology (pp. 83-
109). Palgrave Macmillan.
Cai, Qiao-Yu & Chao, Feng-Mei (2021). Content analysis and comparison of reading tests in the TOCFL
Band A Level and HSK Level 4。於任弘、周靜琬(主編),華教播種者-紀念董鵬程先生文集(頁 277-
Zhang, D., & Lin, Chin-Hsi (2017). Chinese as a second language assessment. Springer.
Self-made supplementary materials.
Reference books
王保進(2002)。視窗版 SPSS 與行為科學研究(二版)。台北:心理。
李茂興(譯)Kenneth D. Hopkins 原著(2002)。教育測驗與評量。台北:學富。
邱皓政(2001)。社會與行為科學的量化研究與統計分析:SPSS 中文視窗版資料分析範例解析。
ACTFL National Standard.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
Hill, C., & Parry, K. (1994). From testing to assessment. NY: Longman.
Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Madsen, H. S. (1983). Techniques in testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Main textbooks
Cai, Qiaoyu (2023). Testing and assessment in Chinese language education. Amazon.
Cai, Qiao-Yu (2018). An item analysis of a self-made placement test for an immigrant Chinese program. In
Qiao-Yu (Ed.), Chinese as a second and foreign language education: Pedagogy and psychology (pp. 83-
109). Palgrave Macmillan.
Cai, Qiao-Yu & Chao, Feng-Mei (2021). Content analysis and comparison of reading tests in the TOCFL
Band A Level and HSK Level 4. Yu Renhong and Zhou Jingwan (Editors-in-Chief), Sowers of Chinese Education - Collected Works in Memory of Mr. Dong Pengcheng (page 277-
308). World Chinese Language Education Association.
Zhang, D., & Lin, Chin-Hsi (2017). Chinese as a second language assessment. Springer.
Self-made supplementary materials.
Reference books
Wang Baojin (2002). Windows version of SPSS and behavioral science research (2nd ed.). Taipei: Psychology.
Yu Mining (2002). Educational testing and assessment—Achievement testing and teaching assessment (2nd ed.). Taipei: Psychology.
Li Kunchong (1999). Diversified teaching assessment. Taipei: Psychology.
Li Maoxing (translated) Original work by Kenneth D. Hopkins (2002). Educational testing and assessment. Taipei: Xuefu.
Zhou Wenqin, Ou Canghe, Xu Zeji, Lu Qinming, Jin Shuren, and Fan Dexin (1995). Psychological and educational testing. Taipei: Psychology.
Qiu Haozheng (2001). Quantitative research and statistical analysis in social and behavioral sciences: Analysis of data analysis examples in the Chinese Windows version of SPSS.
Taipei: Wunan.
Zhang Liping (2002). Theory and practice of Chinese language proficiency testing. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Xu Zeji and Liu Changxuan (1992). An introduction to test answer theory. Taipei: Chinese Behavioral Science Society.
Guo, Shengyu (2003). Psychological and educational testing (16th ed.). Taipei: Essence.
Chen Yinghao and Wu Yuyi (2003). Testing and Assessment. Kaohsiung: Fuwen.
Shan, Xiaolin (1999). Multiple assessments. Taipei: Lianjing.
Liu Yinglin (1994). Research on Chinese Proficiency Test. Beijing: Modern Publishing House.
Ou Canghe (2002). Educational testing and assessment. Taipei: Psychology.
ACTFL National Standard.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
Hill, C., & Parry, K. (1994). From testing to assessment. NY: Longman.
Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Madsen, H. S. (1983). Techniques in testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[A119]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡喬育
修課班級 Class:華語碩學程1,2
選課備註 Memo:開放大學部3、4年級先選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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