1. The course will survey major critical schools and movements relevant to the study of literature in English; due attention will also be devoted to the historical background of these schools and movements.
2. Students will enhance their knowledge of critical terms and concepts and familiarize themselves with major discourse traditions in literary studies.
3. Students will learn how to apply the theoretical approaches under discussion to specific texts; this will be done in this course and other courses in the MA program.
1. The course will survey major critical schools and movements relevant to the study of literature in English; due attention will also be devoted to the historical background of these schools and movements.
2. Students will enhance their knowledge of critical terms and concepts and familiarize themselves with major discussion traditions in literature studies.
3. Students will learn how to apply the theoretical approaches under discussion to specific texts; this will be done in this course and other courses in the MA program.
This course will present a detailed overview of the major figures and movements in Literary Theory and Criticism, beginning with Formalism, and including Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction and Post-Modernism, Feminism, Gender Studies, Gay and Lesbian Theory and Criticism, Historicism, Ethnic and Postcolonial Criticism, and Cultural Studies. Students will read and critically examine the major texts of these respective areas, while learning how literary theory is applied to the criticism of texts and ideas. The course will emphasize student application of the methods and practices of literary theory and criticism, as informed by its key ideas and concepts.
This course will present a detailed overview of the major figures and movements in Literary Theory and Criticism, beginning with Formalism, and including Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction and Post-Modernism, Feminism, Gender Studies, Gay and Lesbian Theory and Criticism, Historicism, Ethnic and Postcolonial Criticism, and Cultural Studies. Students will read and critically examine the major texts of these respective areas, while learning how literature theory is applied to the criticism of texts and ideas. The course will emphasize student application of the methods and practices of literature theory and criticism, as informed by its key ideas and concepts.
Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism, and Theory
Additional readings from: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, eds. Literary Theory: An Anthology, 3/ed. (Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley- Blackwell, 2018). (ISBN:9781118707852)
Students are warned that plagiarism is a violation of departmental and university regulations, and Taiwan laws and policy regarding Intellectual Property Rights. This will not be tolerated in any of my courses. Any instance of plagiarism discovered in any student writings for this course will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment involved. All sources used in research projects must be fully documented. Also, there is to be no illegal copying of any copyrighted material, including text books or other materials. This is also against Taiwan law regarding Intellectual Property Rights, and can result in severe penalties if discovered.
Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism, and Theory
Additional readings from: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, eds. Literary Theory: An Anthology, 3/ed. (Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley- Blackwell, 2018). (ISBN:9781118707852)
Students are warned that plagiarism is a violation of departmental and university regulations, and Taiwan laws and policy regarding Intellectual Property Rights. This will not be tolerated in any of my courses. Any instance of plagiarism discovered in any student writings for this course will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment involved. All sources used in research projects must be fully documented. Also, there is to be no illegal copying of any copyrighted material, including text books or other materials. This is also against Taiwan law regarding Intellectual Property Rights, and can result in severe penalties if discovered.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |