course information of 113 - 1 | 5011 Sinological Methodology(治學方法)

5011 - 治學方法 Sinological Methodology

教育目標 Course Target

1.培育發掘問題、蒐集資料、獨立研究之能力 2.具備分析、歸納、批判之能力 3.熟悉中國文學、語言文字、思想文化等領域之治學方法 4.培養中文領域相關治學工具運用之能力 5.擁有開拓研究議題,深入思考與探討之能力 1. Cultivate the ability to explore problems, collect information, and conduct independent research 2. Have the ability to analyze, summarize and criticize 3. Be familiar with academic methods in the fields of Chinese literature, language, thought and culture, etc. 4. Cultivate the ability to use relevant academic tools in the Chinese field 5. Have the ability to explore research topics and think deeply and discuss them

參考書目 Reference Books


Written by Umberto Eco, translated by Ni Anyu: "How to Write a Graduation Thesis: Advice for Graduate Students in the Humanities", Taipei: Times Culture Publishing House, 2019.
Zhou Chuntang, "The First Book of Writing a Dissertation", Taipei: Wunan Book Company, 2016.
Lin Xiangling, Cai Jiahe, Zhu Yixian, Li Jialian, Wang Zhengwen, Huang Jili, Guo Zhangyu, Zhong Xiaofeng and others, "Don't Hidden Secrets in Paper Writing", Taipei: Wunan Book Company, 2017.
Lin Qingzhang, "Guidelines for Academic Paper Writing - Applicable to Liberal Arts", Taipei: Wanjuanlou Book Co., Ltd., 2015.
Zhang Gaoping, "Thesis Writing and Interpretation", Taipei: Wunan Book Company, 2021.
Bi Hengda: "Why Didn't the Professor Tell Me (2020 Evolution Edition)", Taipei: Xiaobi Space Publishing House, 2020.
Mortimer Adler, Charlie Van Doren, etc., translated by Hao Mingyi and Zhu Yi: "How to Read a Book [Taiwan Business 70th Anniversary Collection Commemorative Edition] (Third Edition)", Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 2017.
Peng Minghui's "Complete Survival Manual for Graduate Students: Methods, Secrets, and Hidden Rules", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, 2017.
Liu Chenghui, Wang Wanyi, et al.: "College Chinese Course: College Report Writing", Hsinchu: Tsinghua University Press, 2010.
Written by Mo Leining and Lei Qinfeng, translated by Xu Huilin: "The Starting Point of Research: Starting from the Self, Write a Research Project of Significance to You (and the World)", Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing House, 2023.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily homework and classroom performance
Thematic proposal (or creation proposal) and thesis (or creation) exhibition and sharing session
Academic lectures
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:林香伶/李時雍
修課班級 Class:中文碩1
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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