course information of 113 - 1 | 4508 Specific Fitness Training of Athletic Cheerleaders(大一體育:競技啦啦隊專項訓練)

4508 - 大一體育:競技啦啦隊專項訓練 Specific Fitness Training of Athletic Cheerleaders

教育目標 Course Target

培養團隊精神與能力。本課程是以技能為主的啦啦隊課程。課程內容包含:口號、舞伴技巧、金字塔、舞蹈、跳躍、體操、體適能等。本課程透過多元啦啦隊教學活動設計,來培養學生團隊學習能力、提升基本體適能、身體能力認知及能力。 Cultivate the team spirit and ability. This course is a cheerleader course focusing on skills. The course content includes: oral numbers, dance companion skills, pyramids, dance, dance, exercises, and physical fitness. This course uses a diverse cheerleader teaching activity design to cultivate student team learning abilities, improve basic fitness, physical ability awareness and ability.

參考書目 Reference Books

˙Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983,New York, Motion
˙Editor Lin Chunmei, "Common Knowledge of Sports", Lectures at the Gymnasium of Donghai University, 2012.
˙Edited by Lin Chunmei, "Dance and Health", self-edited speech, 2008.
˙Written by Zhang Lizhu, Jiang Yingbi, Lin Chunmei and Shouzi, School Art Education Book [Art Appreciation Course Tutor Manual - Middle School Dance Chapter] 1999.
˙Wu Manli, Research on Preventing Injury in Dance Teaching, Lili Publishing House, 1992.
˙Editor Liang, Social Dance Entering the Door, Hong Kong Zhuhai Publishing Co., Ltd., 1992.
˙Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983, New York, Motion

評分方式 Grading

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學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:林春梅
修課班級 Class:共必修1
選課備註 Memo:一年級校隊選;須經教練同意。以人工方式選課。
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