課程將介紹爭奪賽飛盤,引導學生進入飛盤運動的豐富領域。其內容包括投擲技巧、接盤方法、跳躍和跑步等涉及全身的活動。基於基本的飛盤投擲、傳接練習,課程逐步從休閒活動進入到個人和團體競技項目,旨在透過飛盤運動來增強學生的體能、團隊協作能力、性別平等意識、培養運動習慣和養成運動精神。課程採用循序漸進且逐步深入的螺旋式教學方法,使學生能夠全面了解和學習飛盤運動的多樣性。The course will introduce the competition flight plate and guide students into the rich field of flying plate movement. Its content includes activities involving the whole body such as casting skills, pick-up methods, jumping and running. Based on basic flying disk investment and transfer training, the course gradually enters personal and group competition projects from leisure activities, aiming to enhance students' physical ability, team collaboration ability, gender equality awareness, and cultivate sports habits and sports spirit through flying disk sports. The course adopts a spiral teaching method that progresses step by step and in-depth, so that students can fully understand and learn the diversity of flying wheel movements.
Best Ultimate Frisbee Highlights
AUDL Week 10 Top 10 Plays:
余義箴 (2021)。飛盤。載於劉家豪、林慶宏 (主編),普通型暨技術型高級中等學校體育第二冊 (頁26–43)。均悅文化。
朱峰亮 (2008)。飛盤教學祕笈。台南市:翰林出版事業股份有限公司。
熊文宗、朱峰亮 (1997)。飛盤運動大全。臺北市:五洲。
World Flying Disc Federation. (2021). Rules of ultimate. Retrieved from http://rules.wfdf.org
Suggested viewing video:
Best Ultimate Frisbee Highlights
AUDL Week 10 Top 10 Plays:
Yu Yizhen (2021). Flying plate. Read in Liu Jiahao and Lin Qinghong (editor), the second book of ordinary and technical advanced secondary school sports (pages 26–43). Equal culture.
Zhu Fengliang (2008). A secret guide to flying disk teaching. Tainan City: Hanlin Publishing Co., Ltd.
Xiong Wenzong, Zhu Fengliang (1997). A complete collection of flying wheel sports. Taipei City: Five continents.
World Flying Disc Federation. (2021). Rules of ultimate. Retrieved from http://rules.wfdf.org
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
40 | 出席1堂+2.5分/堂 (心裡假不在此限)、曠課-5分、無故遲到超過10分鐘 -2分。病假、生理假、事假、公假若未按學校系統請假,視同曠課 。 |
期中考 期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 1分鐘 9 公尺雙人傳接 30 片 (10%)、 長傳 30公尺10 片(10%) |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | 比賽參與 |
自主學習作業自主學習作業 Independent learning of operations |
10 | 觀看11/30、12/1於北屯區多功能草皮運動場辦理的國際俱樂部邀請賽 (TCC) |
FMS體適能檢測FMS體適能檢測 FMS body is suitable for detection |
10 |