course information of 113 - 1 | 4471 Mindfulness and Life / Basketball(大二體育:正念與樂活/籃球)

4471 - 大二體育:正念與樂活/籃球 Mindfulness and Life / Basketball

教育目標 Course Target

1 強化個人的健康體適能 2.培養籃球運動之興趣 3.增加運動常識及籃球規則 4.學習賞析籃球比賽 5.藉由活動增進人際關係的融合,達到身心靈健康目標。 6.透過訓練或競賽過程強調並瞭解團體精神的重要性,提高團體的凝聚力。 1 Strengthen personal health fitness 2. Cultivate the interest in basketball sports 3. Add sports knowledge and basketball rules 4. Learning and analyzing basketball competition 5. Through activities to enhance the integration of international relations, achieve the goal of physical and mental health. 6. Strengthen and understand the importance of the group spirit through training or competition process, and improve the group's cohesion.

參考書目 Reference Books

6.籃球系統戰術 張秀華.劉玉林編著 國家出版社 2008年1月
7.籃球鍛鍊技巧50招 原田俊彌著 陳禹昕譯 漢欣文化事業有限公司 2010/10月
8.提升籃球戰力200絕招 小野秀二監修 彭建榛譯 東販出版 2010/10月
9.籃球最佳防守 楊建民.社秀群編著 諾達運動文化行銷 2004年
10.籃球最佳進攻 韓紀光編著 諾達運動文化行銷 2006年
13.陳信安頂級籃球進攻技巧 2023
1. Ball Classroom (Koi Shiro)
2. Lequhua Education Teaching (Zhang Meiling)
3. Sports Medicine Lecture (Xian Jinxin)
4. Practical Ball Textbooks and Battle Methods (Zhu Yingyi)
5. Ball (Zheng Fenghe, Li Dongqi, Xu Wuxiong)
6. Ball System Warcraft by Zhang Xiuhua. Liu Yulin National Press January 2008
7. 50 tips for basketball exercises, by Toshiharada, Chen Yuxin, Hanxin Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd. 2010/October
8. Improve the strength of basketball with 200 ultimate moves. Supervisor of Hideji Ono, translated by Peng Jianhatsu. Published by Dongbe. 2010/October
9. Best defense of basketball by Yang Jianmin. Shexiuqun Noda Sports Culture Marketing 2004
10. Best Ball Attack, written by Korean Optoelectronics Noda Sports Culture Marketing 2006
11. International Ball Rules (Chinese Ball Alliance)
12. International Ball Referee Law (Chinese Ball Partnership)
13.Chen Security Top Ball Attack Techniques 2023

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Skill Test-2-on-2-on-3
10 掩護觀念及防守觀念
Regular exams and actual combat performance
30 依照場次多寡、勝率、總分的排名依續給分。
Participate in practice, learn attitude and sports awareness 40%
40 酌予加減分
Flexibility learning 10%, FMS testing 10%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6[A球場]
授課教師 Teacher:盛世慧
修課班級 Class:化材,工工,環工,電機2
選課備註 Memo:化材,工工,環工,電機2
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 55 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 55 人。

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