course information of 113 - 1 | 4442 Mindfulness and Life / Volleyball(大二體育:正念與樂活/排球)

4442 - 大二體育:正念與樂活/排球 Mindfulness and Life / Volleyball

教育目標 Course Target

一.瞭解體適能的重要性與訓練方式 二.瞭解田賽與徑賽的項目與教學方式 三.瞭解排球的正確認知與運動技能. 四.瞭解排球的比賽規則並能參與比賽. 五.瞭解排球的運動傷害與其預防. 六.能夠鼓勵學生利用休閒時間參與各項運動,增加同學之間的互動.一.瞭解體適能的重要性 二.提昇個人心肺適能 三.瞭解田徑賽會的舉行方式 四.教導學生如何提昇個人肌力與肌耐力 五.增加排球相關知識 六.提昇個人排球基本技能1. Understand the importance of physical fitness and training methods 2. Understand the projects and teaching methods of the field competition and competition 3. Understand the correct knowledge and sports skills of volleyball. 4. Understand the volleyball competition rules and be able to participate in the competition. 5. Understand the sports injuries of volleyball and its prevention. 6. Be able to encourage students to use leisure time to participate in various sports and increase interaction between classmates. 1. Understand the importance of physical fitness 2. Improve personal heart and lung fitness 3. Understand how the field tournament is held 4. Teach students how to improve their personal muscle strength and endurance 5. Increase volleyball-related knowledge 6. Improve basic personal volleyball skills

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Ministry of Education (1997). Volleyball textbook teaching methods and evaluation. Printed by the Ministry of Education.
2. Ministry of Education (1997). Teachers’ body is suitable for manual instruction. Ministry of Education’s printing.
3. Editor of Dayueqing (2008). Teaching method of understanding ball type. Teachers' College.
4. Volleyball Association of the Republic of China (2002): 2001-2004 International Volleyball Rules. China Volleyball Association Printed by the Republic of China.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Skill evaluation
40 一.個人運動技術表現. 二.參與團體活動表現.
Emotional evaluation
20 一.個人學習態度表現. 二.個人學習時出缺席情形.
Awareness evaluation
15 一.個人體育常識表現. 二.學習過程對於教師所提問題回應表現.
10 強化個人體適能
FMS Test
Flexibility Learning

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6[風雨球場]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭金昌
修課班級 Class:文學院,景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:文學院、景觀系2
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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