本期課程以有氧舞蹈 (Aerobic Dance) 中的「Hi-Low 高低衝擊有氧」為主軸,透過簡單的肢體律動,並搭配輕快、動聽的音樂,針對鍛鍊體適能的基本要求組成一種完全為調整身體健康狀態的運動方式,同時也以多樣化的動作結構形式、方向變化。另會加上運動器材的輔助,例如:墊子、登階、彈力帶、毛巾等,嘗試不同的舞蹈展演。課程當中更著重於配合運動的持續時間、頻率與強度,顧及有氧訓練原則,以達到增加肌肉適能 (肌力、肌耐力)、心肺適能 (心肺耐力) 之目的。 This course focuses on "Hi-Low High and Low Aerobic" in Aerobic Dance. Through simple body rhythm and light and quick and dynamic music, the basic requirements for the fitness of the zodiac body are combined into a movement method that completely adjusts the health of the body. At the same time, it also changes in the structure and direction of the movement. In addition, sports equipment will be assisted, such as: pads, stairs, elastic belts, towels, etc., to try different dance performances. During the course, the course focuses more on coordinating the continuous time, frequency and strength of sports, and the principles of aerobic training to achieve the purpose of increasing muscle fitness (muscular strength, muscle endurance), cardiopulmonary fitness (cardiopulmonary endurance).
《舞蹈欣賞》 平珩 編 三⺠書局
《舞蹈美學》 朱立人 編 洪葉文化
"Dance Appreciation" by Ping Heng Edited by San Book Bureau
"Dance Aesthetics" by Zhu Liren, edited by Hong Ye Culture
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
40 | 出席1堂+2.5分/堂 (⼼理假不在此限)、曠課-5分、無故遲到超過10分鐘 -2分。病假、生理假、事假、公假若未按學校系統請假,視同曠課 |
期中考 期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 8*8拍*3的高低衝擊有氧組合動作 (動作完整度與節拍精準度15%、創意編排5%) |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
15 | 以分組模式共同編排3分鐘的舞蹈動作展演合舞 (音樂自選) |
課程討論參與課程討論參與 Course discussion meeting |
10 | 專注與發言 (將參考小組互評表分數) |
身體組成與體適能檢測身體組成與體適能檢測 Body composition and body suitable for detection |
5 | |
作業報告作業報告 Make a business report |
10 | 期末心得報告(600~1000字) |