期許透過對中國古典小說的名篇賞析,能使學子獲得知識與閱讀的樂趣。並且配合AI技術進行古典小說二創,透過引導學生熟練AI文圖生成的過程,成為小說作品的創作靈感,達到現代科技活化古典文學的目的。It is hoped that through the appreciation of famous Chinese classical novels, students can gain knowledge and the pleasure of reading. In addition, AI technology is used to re-create classical novels. By guiding students to become proficient in the process of AI text and picture generation, they become creative inspiration for novels and achieve the purpose of revitalizing classical literature with modern technology.
Xu Jiankun et al., "New Sayings of Ancient Sayings: Selected Readings of Classical Short Stories", Taipei: Hongye Culture, 2008.9
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂小考課堂小考 Class quiz |
15 | 當天未出席者,當次成績0分;有請假者可以補考。 |
期中AI習作期中AI習作 Midterm AI exercises |
25 | AI繪圖與文章生成習作 |
期末筆試期末筆試 Final written examination |
35 | 筆試,非開書考。 |