學期後半將目光聚焦於近代詩歌,觀察民國流行歌沿革及禁歌原因。Read Wei Hanyi's classic novel text from a modern perspective, use text AI to write stories, and combine image AI to create storytelling.
In the second half of my studies, I will focus on modern verses and observe the evolution of popular songs in the Republic of China and the reasons for banned songs.
Teachers' self-edited textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | 針對整學期上課內容進行考試。 |
學期作業學期作業 Study session |
25 | 1.利用聊天AI輔助創作文本。 2.完成的創作將公開讓同學鑑賞。3.遲交者成績最高80,遲交一星期以上者最高70,以此類推。 |
AI作品觀賞心得AI作品觀賞心得 AI works viewing experience |
10 | 第17-18週請同學觀賞得獎作品,並撰寫心得或評語。 |