期許透過對中國古典小說的名篇賞析,能使學子獲得知識與閱讀的樂趣。並且配合AI技術進行古典小說二創,透過引導學生熟練AI文圖生成的過程,成為小說作品的創作靈感,達到現代科技活化古典文學的目的。It is expected that through the analysis of famous Chinese classical novels, students can gain the joy of knowledge and reading. In addition, it cooperates with AI technology to carry out the second creation of classical novels. By guiding students to practice the process of AI text generation, it becomes the creative spirit of novel works, achieving the purpose of modern technology to activate classical literature.
Xu Jiankun et al., "New Ancient Tales: Selected Reading of Classical Short Stories", Taipei: Hongye Culture, 2008.9
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂小考課堂小考 Classroom exam |
15 | 當天未出席者,當次成績0分;有請假者可以補考。 |
平常成績平常成績 Normal achievements |
15 | 上課態度、課堂問答、作業抄襲與否平 常 成 績:上課態度、課堂問答。 出席成績 :1.隨堂點名請假;缺席或兩者加起來滿六次以上,扣考期末考 2.請假不扣分,需要上學生資訊系統送出假單,系統有一週的期限,超過沒辦法請假,期中期末考前會盤點確認。 3.非重大事故請假超過三次,第四次開始按照缺席扣分 4.未出席卻線上點名,視為未出席,並扣平常成績3分 |
期中分組報告期中分組報告 Mid-term division report |
25 | AI繪圖與文章生成習作 |