course information of 113 - 1 | 3876 Chinese: Narrative and Critical Reading(中文:敘事與思辨)

3876 - 中文:敘事與思辨 Chinese: Narrative and Critical Reading

教育目標 Course Target

本課程設定二大主軸:第一、透過文本深度閱讀及討論,培養議題思考與表達能力,並且搭配文本主題,進行寫作教學。第二、融入AI生成於課程,以提升實用寫作的能力。前者目的在增進文學、語言之審美能力,累積文字表述實力,亦由認識作家對心靈、世界的觀照模式找尋自我的感受;後者則以前者的敘事能力為基石,運用AI生成,累積操作經驗,逐步建構新時代資訊處理及應用模式的能力。This course has two main axes: first, through in-depth reading and discussion of texts, cultivating topic thinking and expression skills, and teaching writing by matching text themes. Second, integrate AI-generated courses into courses to improve practical writing abilities. The purpose of the former is to enhance the aesthetic ability of literature and language, accumulate the ability to express words, and also find one's own feelings by understanding the writer's way of observing the soul and the world; the latter uses the narrative ability of the former as the cornerstone, uses AI to generate, and accumulates operational experience. Gradually build capabilities in new era information processing and application models.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Yang Mu: "Collected Prose of Ye Shan", Taipei: Hongfan Book Company, 1977.
2. Lin Wenyue: "Afternoon Study", Taipei: Hongfan Book Company, 1986.
2. Editor-in-chief Chen Yizhi: "A Sheng's Selected Collection", Taipei: Jiuge, 2004.
3. Xiao Xiao, ed.: "Selected Modern Prose in Taiwan", Taipei: Sanmin, 2005.
4. You Huan and Xu Huazhong (eds.) "Intensive Reading of Modern Prose", Taipei: Wunan, 2009.
5. Zhang Zhongmou, "Autobiography of Zhang Zhongmou", Taipei: Tianxia Vision, 2010.
6. Zhou Fenling: "Prose Lesson", Taipei: Jiuge, 2013.
7. Yang Xiaojing: "Ladder Writing", Taipei: Jingcheng Information, 2020.
8. Li Locke: "Writing Revolution", Taipei: How Press, 2020.
9. Liao Yuhui: "Little Things in Literature", Taipei: Sanmin Publishing House, 2021.
10. Translated by Luo Yaozong et al., "Seeing Through Illusions, Speak Reasonably, Start by Asking the Right Questions" by Neil Brown et al., Taipei: City Culture, 2019.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
30 包括出席成績與課堂發言、課堂討論及活動等
AI-generated personal homework integrated into Chinese learning
15 期中寫作
Comments or thoughts on the best works of AI-generated Chinese learning
5 第18週 彈性學習 作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[C107]
授課教師 Teacher:吳賢妃
修課班級 Class:社科,法學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部社科院、法學院一年級選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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