course information of 113 - 1 | 3852 Chinese: Narrative and Critical Reading(中文:敘事與思辨)

3852 - 中文:敘事與思辨 Chinese: Narrative and Critical Reading

教育目標 Course Target

美學宗師朱光潛《談文學》:「文學是一種與人生最密切相關的藝術」;古希臘哲學家亞里斯多德《詩學》:「人的描寫居於文學的首要地位;而人生,勢必成為文學表現的主要對象,或文學表現的核心問題」。作家透過文字書寫,分享經過歲月積澱的生命經驗,反映時代現實,譜出喜怒哀樂之生命樂章;吾人透過閱讀,徜徉在文學世界當中,與作品中傳達的哲思、情感、人生故事共鳴,開拓視野,增加閱歷,思考生命存在的價值與意義。由此可知,文學與吾人現實人生誠習習相關。 本課程,擬擷選中國古今文學作品,引領修課同學感受文學之美,體悟在塵世的繁華裡,古今情感、哲思的傳遞是没有時空隔閡,是可以心心相映。由於是一學年課程,因此上學期課程內容,主要擷選古今文史哲作品,引領同學認識文學中的愛情、親情。待下學期,接續引領修課同學認識文學中的友情,以及延伸生命的觸角,認識文學中的家國情、文學中的山水情、文學中的職涯關懷、文學中的回首來時路。末,一同思考如何尋找讓自身幸福的青鳥。課堂中,將以講授與問題討論方式,對上課文本作深度的探討與詮釋。希冀修課同學們能掘發文學作品要義,探討文學與人生的關係,並進一步回歸吾人生命本身意義之探索。此外,並希冀修課同學能藉由閱讀、思考、書寫、討論,內觀自己的生命情境與思路,外觀蒼穹宇宙,自在悠遊於成長之道路。 Zhu Guangqian, the master of aesthetics, said in "On Literature": "Literature is an art most closely related to life"; the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle's "Poetics": "Description of human beings occupies the primary position in literature; and life is bound to become literature The main object of expression, or the core issue of literary expression." Through writing, writers share life experiences accumulated over the years, reflect the reality of the times, and compose a life movement of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy; through reading, we wander in the literary world and resonate with the philosophies, emotions, and life stories conveyed in the works. Broaden your horizons, increase your experience, and think about the value and meaning of life. It can be seen from this that literature is closely related to our real life habits. This course intends to select ancient and modern Chinese literary works to guide students in the course to experience the beauty of literature and realize that in the prosperity of the world, the transmission of ancient and modern emotions and philosophies has no time and space barriers and can be communicated heart to heart. Since it is a one-year course, the content of the course in the first semester mainly selects ancient and modern literature, history and philosophy works to guide students to understand love and family affection in literature. In the next semester, we will continue to guide students taking the course to understand friendship in literature and the tentacles that extend life, as well as the conditions of family and country in literature, the love of mountains and rivers in literature, career care in literature, and the journey back in literature. Finally, let’s think about how to find the bluebird that makes us happy. In class, lectures and question discussions will be used to conduct in-depth discussions and interpretations of the class text. It is hoped that students taking this course can discover the essence of literary works, explore the relationship between literature and life, and further return to the exploration of the meaning of our lives. In addition, it is hoped that through reading, thinking, writing, and discussion, students in the course can introspect their own life situations and thoughts, look at the sky and the universe, and freely travel on the road of growth.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-compiled handouts

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attitude towards taking courses
課堂討論與作業(含AI系列作業) 課堂討論與作業(含AI系列作業)
Class discussions and assignments (including AI series assignments)
midterm exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/8,9[C104]
授課教師 Teacher:王月秀
修課班級 Class:工學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部工學院一年級選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 53 人。

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