3、藉由動畫台詞,加強學習者日語的聽力及會話能力。1. Continue the study of Japanese for one or two years.
2. Let students develop the habit of self-learning and be able to use dictionaries automatically and voluntarily to understand Japanese content.
3. Enhance learners’ Japanese listening and conversational skills through animated lines.
Focusing on language understanding and speaking, by watching various types of Japanese animations, students are trained to understand normal Japanese conversation speed and get used to Japanese oral expressions, thereby developing students' habit of speaking Japanese, and at the same time cultivating Students’ cross-language and cross-cultural abilities.
"Japanese for Everyone" Beginner I, II, Advanced I, II Dah Shin Bookstore
Japanese style dictionary
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時分數平時分數 usual scores |
40 | 出席率、上課態度、配音表現。彈性學習的學習筆記與錄音檔算在平時分數裡,有繳交者算出席、內容充實程度與錄音正確度算在課堂表現中。 |
期中考分數期中考分數 Midterm exam scores |
30 | 筆試50分、口試50分 |
期末考分數期末考分數 Final exam scores |
30 | 筆試50分、口試50分 |