course information of 113 - 1 | 3551 Sustainability Practice: Experiential Learning(永續實踐:勞作教育 )

3551 - 永續實踐:勞作教育 Sustainability Practice: Experiential Learning

教育目標 Course Target

勞作教育自創校以來已經走過66年頭,在66年間勞作教育制度歷經數次變動,然隨著SDGs指標(Sustainable Development Goals)在全球推動過程中,基本勞作教育在運作的第67年頭進行了一項全面性的變動,在原有的勞作教育精神中結合SDGs指標,將基本勞作教育課程分為5大領域各自對應17項SDGs指標。5大領域共安排18小時的課程時數,領域皆設有最低課程時數,並安排有彈性2小時的課程時數空間,讓學生可以依照個人興趣去規劃這2小時要在哪個領域進行課程實踐。且課程進行方式不限於實體課程,亦有數位課程讓學習更彈性。且量化學生學參與勞作現場之校園減碳行動的減碳數據,即為永續貢獻度。 課程設計: 1. 勞作教育課程以聯合國永續發展目標為核心分為5大領域,帶領學生從環境、社會、生活、文化與生態面向認識並實踐之。 2. 課程設計強調學生自主、彈性與寓教於樂,有別過往由學校排定勞作地點勞作時段,新制度讓學生自主選擇自己的課程時間地點,且課程開發上強調「動手實作」以期由實作過程培養學生從中發現問題並尋求解決方法之能力。 3. 首度開創數位課程,讓學生的學習不受限於時間地點。 It has been 66 years since the school was founded. The work education system has gone through several changes during these 66 years. However, with the global promotion of SDGs indicators (Sustainable Development Goals), basic work education has been carried out in the 67th year of operation. A comprehensive change combines the SDGs indicators with the original work education spirit and divides the basic work education courses into 5 major areas, each corresponding to 17 SDGs indicators. A total of 18 hours of course hours are arranged for the 5 major areas. Each area has a minimum course hour, and a flexible 2-hour course time space is arranged, allowing students to plan which area to take these 2 hours of courses according to their personal interests. practice. And the way the courses are conducted is not limited to physical courses, there are also digital courses to make learning more flexible. The carbon reduction data of students participating in campus carbon reduction actions at the work site are quantified, which is the degree of sustainable contribution. Course design: 1. The work education curriculum is divided into five major areas with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the core, leading students to understand and practice them from the aspects of environment, society, life, culture and ecology. 2. The curriculum design emphasizes student autonomy, flexibility, and entertainment. Different from the past, where the school arranged working locations and working hours, the new system allows students to independently choose their own course time and location, and the curriculum development emphasizes "hands-on practice" in order to The practical process cultivates students' ability to identify problems and seek solutions. 3. Create a digital course for the first time so that students’ learning is not limited by time and place.

參考書目 Reference Books

For other course information, online courses and videos, please visit the Labor Education Office website

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Environmental sustainability
60 最低時數12小時,最高時數14小時
social sustainability
10 最低時數1小時,最高時數3小時
Life is sustainable
10 最低時數1小時,最高時數1小時
cultural sustainability
10 最低時數1小時,最高時數2小時
Ecological sustainability
10 最低時數1小時,最高時數2小時

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:卓逸民
修課班級 Class:共必修1
選課備註 Memo:實作課程,不參加網路選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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