course information of 113 - 1 | 3442 All-out Defense Education Military Training-National Defense Policies(全民國防教育軍事訓練–國防政策)

3442 - 全民國防教育軍事訓練–國防政策 All-out Defense Education Military Training-National Defense Policies

教育目標 Course Target

一、課程目標: 1.使學生了解國防與政治的關係。 2.使學生理解我國國家安全政策訂定與運作。 3.使學生了解我國的大陸政策,以及大陸政策與國防的相關性。 4.使學生認識我國國防政策的主軸、軍事戰略構想,以及國防施政情形。 5.使學生理解我國國防轉型與變革。 6.使學生認識我國兵役制度與募兵制。 7.使學生了解全民國防與國家安全的相關性,進而願意支持全民國防。 二、課程內涵 1.為建構學生正確的人生態度和全民國防的基本素養,在內容準備上應多面向蒐整,並於課程講述時以淺顯的故事敘述,引證課文的內涵精義;並透過介紹相關史蹟、人生經驗或各項作品(如遊戲、影片、網站、書籍等),增添教學豐富性。此外,要求學生預習,使授課時能產生共鳴,達成教學總目標。 2.使學生了解在國家安全有保障的前提下,我國才能永續發展,如莫拉克風災等災害發生時,全國各地「民敬軍、軍愛民」的舉動,就是全民國防最好的詮釋。 3.說明國家安全政策制定所考慮的因素,以及我國制定國防政策機制的組織與權責,並結合生動、精簡的圖表闡述國家安全威脅類型與我國家安全戰略,進而了解我國國家安全政策運作的模式。 4.講述國際安全環境、世界情勢、當前國家局勢、政經發展的實務面,並配合相關教學多媒體或活動設計,以達教學目標。 5.說明目前我國重要國防施政以及國防轉型與變革的原則與具體作法,進而了解我國軍事戰略準則、國防組織與國防建設未來走向。 6.配合募兵制已於102年元月實施,針對全民國防教育軍事訓練課程進行說明,介紹兵役實務與募兵制生涯規畫,增進學生對我國兵役制度的認識,提供學生更多元的選擇。 7.為強化學生對國防政策與軍事戰略的關注,透過圖片集錦的方式介紹漢光演習各項操演課目,以提升學習興趣。 8.配合相關主題觀看影片15∼20分鐘,收視完畢請學生報告心得,以提升學習成效。 9.利用網際網路設定主題,指導學生分組蒐集相關資料,實施分組報告,以提升教學成效。 10.現今社會已邁入資訊爆炸與全球化時代,在此歷程中,主動學習成為一種新學習模式。主動學習法是指學生主動參與學習的過程,積極投入各種學習活動,對自己的學習負責,並能主動嘗試去發現、建構和創造新的觀點,讓自己成為學習的中心。因為課堂的時間很珍貴,為鼓勵學生主動參與課程學習,在傳統教學外應增加實際演練,以達到「增進學習」的做中學理念。1. Course objectives: 1. To enable students to understand the relationship between national defense and politics. 2. Enable students to understand the formulation and operation of my country's national security policies. 3. To enable students to understand my country’s mainland policy and the correlation between mainland policy and national defense. 4. Enable students to understand the main axis of my country's national defense policy, military strategic concepts, and national defense administration. 5. Enable students to understand the transformation and change of my country’s national defense. 6. Let students understand our country’s military service system and recruitment system. 7. Make students understand the correlation between national defense and national security, and then be willing to support national defense. 2. Course content 1. In order to build students' correct attitude towards life and the basic literacy of national defense, the content preparation should be multi-faceted, and simple story narration should be used to cite the connotation and essence of the text during the course; and through the introduction of relevant historical sites and life Experience or various works (such as games, videos, websites, books, etc.) add richness to teaching. In addition, students are required to preview so that they can resonate during teaching and achieve the overall teaching goal. 2. Let students understand that our country can develop sustainably only when national security is guaranteed. When disasters such as Typhoon Morakot occur, the actions of "the people respect the military and the military loves the people" across the country are the best interpretation of national defense. 3. Explain the factors considered in the formulation of national security policy, as well as the organization and responsibilities of my country's defense policy formulation mechanism, and use vivid and concise charts to illustrate the types of national security threats and China's national security strategy, so as to understand the operation of my country's national security policy. model. 4. Describe the practical aspects of the international security environment, world situation, current national situation, and political and economic development, and cooperate with relevant teaching multimedia or activity design to achieve teaching goals. 5. Explain the principles and specific practices of my country's current important national defense governance and national defense transformation and reform, and then understand the future direction of my country's military strategic principles, national defense organization and national defense construction. 6. In conjunction with the implementation of the military recruitment system in January 2020, the National Defense Education Military Training Course will be explained, military service practices and recruitment system career planning will be introduced to enhance students’ understanding of my country’s military service system and provide students with more diverse choices. 7. In order to strengthen students' attention to national defense policy and military strategy, various drill subjects of the Hanguang Exercise are introduced through a collection of pictures to enhance their interest in learning. 8. Watch the video for 15 to 20 minutes based on related themes. After watching, ask students to report their experiences to improve learning effectiveness. 9. Use the Internet to set themes, guide students in groups to collect relevant information, and implement group reports to improve teaching effectiveness. 10. Today's society has entered the era of information explosion and globalization. In this process, active learning has become a new learning model. Active learning method means that students actively participate in the learning process, actively participate in various learning activities, take responsibility for their own learning, and actively try to discover, construct and create new perspectives, making themselves the center of learning. Because classroom time is precious, in order to encourage students to actively participate in course learning, practical exercises should be added to traditional teaching to achieve the learning-by-doing concept of "enhancing learning."

課程概述 Course Description

國家安全的主旨為維持國家長久生存發展,確保主權與國家利益,以提升國家在國際上的地位,保障國民福祉。課程中介紹我國最新國防與兩岸政策,強化學習知能。結合國家現況、政策發展,更融入與生活相關的各種資訊更換新圖片以提升教學效果,建立國防政策之於全民國防的整體動員武力。   另配合我國國防政策的轉型與最新國防政策,介紹兵役實務與募兵制生涯規畫,並針對國家安全政策與全民國防、國家安全之間的關係,建立綜合性安全概念,強化全民參與國防的整體動員武力。藉由愛國教育為主題的兩大議題,提升學生對國軍使命與軍人信念的認知,進而凝聚「同島一命」的堅定信念;透過革命先烈與現代青年的愛國行為介紹,激發學生的愛國意識,並強化國家認同感。 大學生健康保健本課程乃是為增進學生對壓力的認識並善用紓壓技巧,於繁忙的大學生活並於兩性互動頻繁的此時,能嚴謹看待婚前性行為並對性生理心理有所了解。對於重視外表勝於一切的年輕人,清楚指導維持理想體重的方法與標準以確保身心健康。現代學生熬夜、生活飲食不規律常引起肝臟疾病及高血脂亦為此學期教學重點。此外,心理、精神疾病亦是困擾大學生的一值得重視的問題,針對此議題加強心理衛生教學,讓學生對精神疾病有一些認識,以減少其恐懼心及排斥感。
The purpose of national security is to maintain the country's long-term survival and development, ensure sovereignty and national interests, enhance the country's international status, and protect the well-being of its citizens. The course introduces my country's latest national defense and cross-strait policies and strengthens learning skills. Combined with the current situation of the country and policy development, it also integrates various information related to life and replaces new pictures to improve the teaching effect, and establishes the national defense policy for the overall mobilization of force for national defense. In addition, in line with the transformation of my country's national defense policy and the latest national defense policy, it introduces military service practices and recruitment career planning, and establishes a comprehensive security concept based on the relationship between national security policy, national defense and national security, and strengthens the overall mobilization of national defense participation. force. Through the two major topics with the theme of patriotic education, we will enhance students' understanding of the mission of the national army and the beliefs of soldiers, and then build up the firm belief of "one island, one life"; through the introduction of patriotic behaviors of revolutionary martyrs and modern youth, stimulate students' patriotic consciousness , and strengthen national identity. This course on health care for college students is to enhance students' understanding of stress and make good use of stress-relief techniques. In the busy university life and when the two sexes interact frequently, they can take a serious look at premarital sex and gain an understanding of sexual physiology and psychology. For young people who value appearance above all else, we provide clear guidance on methods and standards for maintaining an ideal weight to ensure physical and mental health. Modern students stay up late and have irregular diets, which often lead to liver disease and hyperlipidemia. This is also the focus of this semester's teaching. In addition, psychological and mental illness are also issues that plague college students and deserve attention. Mental health teaching should be strengthened to address this issue so that students can have some understanding of mental illness to reduce their fear and rejection.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Announcement of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Interior (March 13, 2013). "Implementation Measures for the National Defense Education and Military Training Courses to Reduce the Period of Standing Military Service and Military Training." Division of Student Affairs and Special Education.
2. Announcement on the title of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Defense (December 30, 2011). "Regulations on the military service of men born in 1982 (including before) and the method of commutation of service periods." Ministry of the Interior Service Administration.
3. Fang Kuanming (2012). Military recruitment system and national defense security. Taipei: New Taiwan Humanities and Education Foundation.
4. Shen Mingshi (2012). Taiwan Defense Strategy Trilogy (Additional Edition). Kaohsiung: Juliu.
5. Department of Defense (2021). The four-year general national defense review in the 110th year of the Republic of China. Taipei: Ministry of National Defense.
6. Department of Defense (2021). National Defense Report for the 110th Anniversary of the Republic of China. Taipei: Ministry of National Defense.
7. Department of Defense (2017). The 106-year quadrennial national defense review of the Republic of China. Taipei: Ministry of National Defense.
8. Department of Defense (2019). The 108th National Defense Report of the Republic of China. Taipei: Ministry of National Defense.
9. Shen Mingshi (2009). From a strategic perspective, look at the strategy and implications of Chen Yunlin’s visit to Taiwan. Defense Journal, 2(1), 13.
10. Shen Mingshi (2008). Seeking a new national defense strategy or new national defense strategic thinking. Strategic Security Research and Analysis, 43, 17-20.
11. Shen Mingshi (2008). Discussion and impact on the implementation of the all-enlistment policy. Strategic Security Research and Analysis, 38, 16-19.
12. Li Qiongli (2010). The formation of multilateral mechanisms between Japan and Asia. Vision Foundation Quarterly, 11(2), 99-138.
13. Lin Zhengyi (2009). Hu Six Points and Military Confidence-Building Mechanisms. Strategic Security Research and Analysis, 46, 12.
14. Zhou Zhijie (2008). Human security: a new policy framework linking national security, development and human rights. Journal of International Relations, 26, 179-198.
15. Lang Yihuan, Wang Limao (2008). China’s oil security strategy adjustment under the new international security situation. China Energy, 30(1), 9.
16. Ni Shixiong, Qian Xuming (2008). New geopolitics and a harmonious world. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 23(5), 123-130.
17. Qin Yaqing (2008). World pattern, security threats and international actors. Modern International Relations, 9, 2.
18. Qin Yaqing (2009). The transformation of the international system and the continuation of China’s period of strategic opportunities. Modern International Relations, 4, 36.
19. National Security Council (2008). 2006 National Security Report (2008 Revision). Taipei: National Security Council.
20. Mo Dahua (2008). The study of critical geopolitical strategy. Issues and Research, 47(2), 57-85.
21. Liu Zhongmin (2008). The development trends of Southeast Asian countries’ South China Sea policies after the Cold War and China’s countermeasures. Forum on International Issues, Autumn Issue, 67-82.
22. Dai Changzheng, Qiao Xuan (2009). Causes of transnational population movements and their impact on national security. Teaching and Research, 1, 68-74.
23. Liu Fuguo (2008). The new situation in the South China Sea and new thinking in rebuilding my country's South China Sea strategy. Strategic Security Research and Analysis, 34, 14-19.
24. Ju Hailong and Ge Hongliang (2010). The impact of the United States' return to Southeast Asia on the security situation in the South China Sea. World Economic and Political Forum, 1, 87-97.

評分方式 Grading

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40 缺課累計達二次實施預警
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/1,2[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:楊正雄/王嘉伶/施秋娥
修課班級 Class:化學系1
選課備註 Memo:化學系1(男、女生)~全民國防教育一
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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