Google Cloud 雲端運算基礎課程將為在雲計算方面幾乎沒有背景或經驗的個人提供詳細的概念概述,包括雲基礎知識、大數據和機器學習。以及如何適切地應用 Google Cloud 。
This course can help learners develop technical skills in cloud computing and prepare for career development in areas such as data analysis and application development.
Google Cloud Cloud Computing Fundamentals course will provide a detailed conceptual overview for individuals who have little or no background or experience in cloud computing, including cloud basics, big data and machine learning. And how to properly apply Google Cloud.This course can help learners develop technical capabilities in cloud computing and prepare for career development in fields such as data analysis and application development.
The Google Cloud Fundamentals course will provide individuals with little background or experience in cloud computing a detailed overview of concepts, including cloud fundamentals, big data, and machine learning. And how to apply Google Cloud appropriately.
This course can help learners develop technical skills in cloud computing and prepare for career development in areas such as data analysis and application development.
Google Cloud Cloud Computing Fundamentals course will provide a detailed conceptual overview for individuals who have little or no background or experience in cloud computing, including cloud basics, big data and machine learning. And how to properly apply Google Cloud.
Google Cloud Computing Foundations Course modules
Google cloud computing foundations course modules
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
15 | 演講、線上直播及課堂出席 |
實作( Course) 實作( Course) Implementation(Course) |
40 | Google Cloud Skills Boost - Course |
實作( Quest)實作( Quest) Implementation(Quest) |
40 | Google Cloud Skills Boost - Quest |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
5 | 含學生自主實作 |