course information of 113 - 1 | 3355 113-1 Dance Creation and Appreciation(113-1舞蹈創作與賞析)

3355 - 113-1舞蹈創作與賞析 113-1 Dance Creation and Appreciation

教育目標 Course Target

本課程包含舞蹈認知、基本技法、創造性舞蹈、及劇場展演實務,透過講述、體驗、與實作培養舞蹈審美能力。This course covers dance cognition, basic techniques, creative dance, and theater performance practices, and cultivates dance aesthetic abilities through narrative, experience, and practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

2、平珩。《舞蹈欣賞》。台北市: 三民書局。2002。
5、Elizabeth Zimmer。《Is Dance A Universal Language?》。紐約市。
7、Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983,New York, Motion

1. Ou Jianping. "Appreciation of Dance Aesthetics". Taipei City: Hongye Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd. 1996.
2. Pingheng. "Dance Appreciation". Taipei City: Sanmin Bookstore. 2002.
3. Wu Manli. "Dance Appreciation". Taipei: Wunan Publishing House. 1999.
4. Wu Shihong. "Dance Analysis and the Body." Taipei: Wunan. 2001.
5. Elizabeth Zimmer. "Is Dance A Universal Language?" 》. New York City.
6. School Art Education Series [Art Appreciation Course Teacher’s Manual-Middle School Dance] 1999.
7. Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983, New York, Motion

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Written test or experience report
10 文章結構、正確語法、可讀性、分析條理
舞蹈術科:小品組合呈現表演 舞蹈術科:小品組合呈現表演
Dance Department: Sketch Group Presents Performance
10 舞稻元素應用、舞蹈技巧、主題、及創意表現、團隊表現。
音樂劇展演音樂劇展演 音樂劇展演音樂劇展演
musical theater performance musical theater performance
30 積極參與
情意評量 情意評量
Affective evaluation
40 實作參與及學習態度
flexible learning

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:林春梅/梁雍樺
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 28 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 28 人。

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