course information of 113 - 1 | 3212 Exploration of Social Leadership(社會:社會領導探索)

3212 - 社會:社會領導探索 Exploration of Social Leadership

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: (一)啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 (二)培養以誠信為本的僕人式領導 (Developing Servant Leaders of Integrity)。 通過重點培養學生的僕人領導心態、誠信/倫理、和計畫執行團隊項目的能⼒,致力於促進學生領導力的發展。 本課程有三大核心價值:(1)僕人式心態 Servant-hood : 以他人為中心的思維,通過以無私的態度去服務,成就他人之美,提升他人的價值﹔課程中融入創意服務~引導學生從踏查社區或機構需求、溝通討論達成共識、計畫產出到實際執行與成效評估..等歷程,培養服務力與影響力,實踐助人為美的社會責任(2)誠信/倫理 Integrity/Ethics:具有裏外⼀致的品格,思想、語言和行動⼀致(3) 團隊建立與領導 Leadership:除發掘自身能力外,能以尊重欣賞眼光幫助他人更加發現自身的價值,並為自己所處的領域帶來積極影響;發揮團隊合作增進職場軟實力以利未來發展。Course Target: (1) Students can recognize differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. (II) Cultivate Developing Servant Leaders of Integrity. We are committed to promoting the development of student leadership through the focus of cultivating students' supervisory leadership, integrity/ethics, and planning the ability to carry out team projects. This course has three core values: (1) Servant-hood: A Servant-hood thinking centered on others, through selfless attitudes, to achieve the beauty of others and enhance the value of others; to integrate creative services into the course, guide students to check community or institutional needs, communicate and reach common understanding, project production to actual execution and effectiveness evaluation, etc., to cultivate service and influence, and to help others with beautiful social responsibility (2) Integrity/ethics Integrity/Ethics: Have a consistent character, consistent thoughts, language and actions (3) Team building and leadership Leadership: In addition to exploring one's own abilities, you can help others to discover their own value with respect and appreciation, and bring positive impact to the areas where you live; develop team cooperation and increase your career strength to benefit future development.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. CEO-Global 提供 學⽣⼿冊
2. “6 ⼤領導救⽣圈-TED 沒教的經營管理課” , 作者:張平康, ⼗字星球出版社 2018.

1. CEO-Global provides student manual
2. "6 Leaders' Lifebuoys - TED Unteached Business Management Course", Author: Zhang Pingkang, ⼗Pian Planet Publishing House 2018.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course attendance, participation and interaction
Classroom notes
期中報告: 社區踏查資訊收集期中報告: 社區踏查資訊收集
Midterm Report: Community Check Information Collection
Final report (PPT+presentation overall performance)
Personal experience and self-evaluation
10 由各組夥伴(組員)互評

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C205]
授課教師 Teacher:陳世佳
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 48 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 48 人。

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