course information of 113 - 1 | 3209 Classics and Paradigms in Society(社會:社會經典與典範)

3209 - 社會:社會經典與典範 Classics and Paradigms in Society

教育目標 Course Target

1. 課程目標 〈閱讀經典的力量〉 我這一代的人,大多還相信讀書是型塑人格的最重要手段。學生時代,深信「古典知」是戰勝「經驗知」的唯一方法,所以我們不停地閱讀經典,為了超越經驗的限制,為了長大,為了強壯。 也就是說,期待透過經典吸收養分,超越年齡,成為「大人」。現在,我們依然大量地閱讀經典,與學生時代相反,現在不為了長大,為的是持續檢驗自己的學問與人格,並同時維持自己的時代嗅覺。 同學們,讓我們一起閱讀經典,一起體驗時代,檢驗自我。很快地,你會知道:經典是無盡的寶庫,所有時代問題的解答。 本課程將文明史家葛爾納(Ernest Gellner,1925-1995)於1983年出版的名著《Nations and Nationalism》作為核心讀本,藉此理解近現代席捲人類世界的Nation State理論以及作為「國民國家」支撐的Nationalism。葛爾納生前沒有來過台灣,書中也未提及「台灣」兩字,但是其立論卻完全解明了台灣作為「國民國家」以及不作為「國民國家」的雙重困境。也就是說,本書說的雖然是歐洲史,但是卻徹底提示了台灣史的問題核心,非常必須在大學的課堂中與同學一起精讀。 2. 課程內涵 1,體驗經典閱讀的價值。 2,認識思想家Ernest Gellner。 3,理解世界史、歐洲史與台灣史的交集。 透過此課程,期待學生理解文明與世界史的比較。進而反思當前全球化經濟中的永續發展與多元文化共生問題。最終培養批判性思考能力,學習從多元視角觀察各類社會現象。 1. Course Target 〈The Power of Reading Classics〉 Most of my generation still believe that reading is the most important means of shaping personality. In the age of students, we firmly believed that "classical knowledge" was the only way to fight for "experience knowledge", so we kept reading classics, in order to transcend the limitations of experience, to grow up, and to strengthen our strength. In other words, I hope to absorb and nourish through classics, surpass my age, and become an "adult". Now, we still read classics in a large number, contrary to the student era, we are not in order to grow up, but to continue to examine our academic questions and personality, and at the same time maintain our sense of the times. Students, let us read classics together, experience the times and examine ourselves together. Soon, you will know: classics are the answers to all era problems. This course uses the famous book "Nations and Nationalism" published by civilization historian Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) as the core reading, thereby understanding the theory of Nation State that has spread the human world in modern times and the Nationalism supported by the "national state". Gerna did not come to Taiwan during his lifetime, and the two words "Taiwan" were not mentioned in his book, but his argument completely understood the double dilemma of Taiwan as a "national state" and not as a "national state". In other words, although this book is about European history, it ultimately reminds the core of Taiwan history, and it is very necessary to read carefully with classmates in college classes. 2. Course content 1. Experience the value of classical reading. 2. Know Ernest Gellner, a thinker. 3. Understand the intersection of world history, European history and Taiwan history. Through this course, we look forward to students' comparison of civilization and world history. Then reflect on the problems of sustainable development and multicultural symbiosis in the current global economy. Finally, we cultivate critical thinking skills and learn to observe various social phenomena from a diverse perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

Ernest Gellner著,李金梅/黃俊龍譯《國族與國族主義》聯經出版,2001.
Ernest Gellner, published by Li Jinmei/Huang Junlong, "National and Nationalism" in the joint publication, 2001.
F. Fukuyama, Trust, 1995. (Chinese translation of "Trust", Establishing Culture, 2001).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
60 上課表現,發問,回答問題,作業,學生自主實作等綜合評價
Midterm evaluation
30 期中評量
Final evaluation
30 期末評量

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8,9[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永峰
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:.Nations & Nationalism。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 115 人。

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