course information of 113 - 1 | 3198 Innovative Issues in Society(社會:社會創新議題)

3198 - 社會:社會創新議題 Innovative Issues in Society

教育目標 Course Target

(一)課程目標 1.以社會領域為路徑引導學生「為萬世開太平」。藉由分析國內外社會創新案例,學習創新與創業的理論、種類、策略、市場趨勢以及如何將創新應用至創業上的知識。(認知:包含基本知識、理解與分析能力) 2.能夠熟練各種創意思考方法或工具的操作使用,培養創新思維的能力。此外,要求學生利用資訊工具搜尋國內外創新案例,進而強化資訊應用與自學的能力。(技能) 3.面對未來創業的挑戰,除了需在日常生活中時刻具備創新整合的態度,也必須培養勤奮耐勞的精神。(態度行為) 4.借鏡實際案例用以評估自身創意落實到創業上的可行性,培養創業所需的知識與專業職能進而肯定自我。(後設認知結果) 5.藉由分組蒐集創新案例資料及期中期末報告,訓練想像力、溝通表達能力與團隊合作精神,進而願意承認差異、欣賞他人與尊重差異。(其他) (二)課程內涵 以社會為議題,使學生瞭解為何需要創新以及世界各國案例討論。面對當代資本主義的激烈競爭所導致的企業利潤下滑,一個成功的企業必須時時刻刻保持創新精神,才不致於在激烈競爭的環境中被淘汰。而對於青年創業者而言,如何憑藉創意將現有市場中的產品或服務進行創新,在市場上與既有產品或服務進行區隔,甚至是開發全新的產品或服務內容以吸引顧客,以開發新市場的方式形成特殊利基進而避免與既有市場邏輯直接削價競爭,就成為青年創業者能否成功的關鍵之一。本課程將介紹幾種常見的創意思考方法及工具,讓學生在課堂上分組操作練習,激發學生創新思考的能力,並嘗試應用在自利利他之社會創新產品、體驗或服務創新上,提升學生未來將創新應用在創業上的能力。(I) Course objectives 1. Use the social field as a way to guide students to "open peace for thousands of years". By analyzing domestic and foreign social innovation cases, learn theories, types, strategies, market trends and knowledge about innovation and innovation. (Knowledge: Including basic knowledge, understanding and analysis skills) 2. Be able to be familiar with the operation and use of various creative thinking methods or tools, and cultivate the ability to innovate thinking. In addition, students are required to use information tools to search domestic and foreign innovative cases to enhance their ability to apply information and learn by themselves. (Skill) 3. In the face of future challenges, in addition to always having the attitude of innovation and integration in daily life, we must also cultivate a spirit of diligence and patience. (Term Behavior) 4. Use actual cases to evaluate the feasibility of implementing one's own creativity into the industry, cultivate the knowledge and professional ability required for the creation and affirm yourself. (Later, the recognition results) 5. Through the sub-group, we collect innovative case data and mid-term and final reports, we train our imagination, communication and team cooperation spirit, and then we are willing to accept differences, appreciate others and respect differences. (other) (II) Connotation of course Taking social issues allows students to understand why innovation is needed and case discussions around the world. Faced with the decline in corporate profits caused by the fierce competition of contemporary capitalism, a successful company must always maintain an innovative spirit in order not to be eliminated in a fierce competition environment. For young entrepreneurs, how to innovate products or services in the existing market through creativity, separate existing products or services in the market, or even develop brand new products or services to attract customers, and form a special niche by creating new markets to avoid direct price reduction competition with existing market logic has become one of the keys to whether young entrepreneurs can succeed. This course will introduce several common creative thinking methods and tools, allowing students to organize operation and practice in the class, stimulate students' ability to innovatively think, and try to apply it to self-interested and altruistic social innovation products, experiences or services, and improve students' ability to apply innovation to their future innovation in the industry.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Self-edited speech
2. United Nations Continuing Development Goals SDGs Brief Report
3. Local Initiative and University Social Responsibilities (USR) Summary
3. Video

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class meetings
30 無故缺曠一週扣實得分數3分
Midterm exam
30 1題申論題(開書考)
Final exam
30 1題申論題(開書考)
Students' independent performance
10 由通識中心辦公室提供

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[SS102]
授課教師 Teacher:陳迪暉
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 110 人。

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